A Supernatural Change

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    1: Supernatural Crossover.

    2: Inspired By Song - Get Jinxed by League Of Legends & Djevr

    3: Alternate A.U

    A.U explanation:
    Besides the general 'I got bored', I was chilling at a softball game freezing my fucking feet and fingers off and listening to this song and shit cause why the fuck not and thought of an idea. This one shot was something slightly inspired by a cool fic I read lol.
    Basically, before Leo died, he made some dumb-ass Styx promise with the whole Calypso thing and shit, i dunno, and since he didn't keep that promise(cause he fucking died, also i dont wanna do Caleo), he had the sorta punishment for that. Fields of Punishment(unfair, I fucking know). And, basing this off of the way demons in supernatural are made(basically they go through so much torture that their souls are basically destroyed mentally, making them murderous little fucks who actually enjoy the killing). I know, Leo's been through shit and wouldn't go down the easy, but in this he spent those six months there before he was finally brought back(I was difficult for the cure, as he was basically in hell) down there, his mentality being destroyed.
    Now, whether he actually becomes normal again is debatable, so we will see how I feel lmao.
    Let's start :D


    Was it fair to say Sam was nervous? Yes, yes it was. After what had happened to his brother, because of Crowley and the Mark of Cain, he felt like it was almost too soon to be on a case. Especially about demons. But they were already on the road, headed to Stamford to work out a lead on Crowley. Well, he hoped it was a lead(Dean was the one who found the case, though Sam didn't ask how). Sam wanted nothing more then to find out how to kill him -- king of hell or not -- for doing that to Dean.

    It was only a short drive, atleast compared to their normal ones -- meaning it was 2-3 hours. Sam didn't get any sleep, not that he was planning to -- he was busy keeping an eye on Dean.

    He immediately crashed when they got to the hotel, slightly overwhelmed by the recent situation he'd been in that past few days.


    "FBI, Agents Tandy and Lynn." Dean said, as they both show their badges to the police officer. "Can we see the body?"

    "The coroner already came and took it to the morgue." The officer told them " 'fraid you'll have to head there to see it but I'll tell ya this, it ain't a normal death. We found 'em almost burned to a crisp, barely recognizable. Neighbor says she saw some other person walk up. 'Rangest thing is, woman swears up and down this person burned the fellow with his bare hands."

    Sam shoved the badge(he was honestly surprised that nobody really realized it was fake) into his suits overcoat pocket. "Alright, do you have any other witnesses?"

    The officer nodded. "One, a small fellow. Maybe about 16, works at a nearby bar." He let out a fond laugh. "Energetic, that one. Makes alotta people nervous sometimes."

    Sam nodded. "Thank you officer, you mind if we go talk to the witness."

    "Not at all, though let me know what you find." He smiled. "Victim was a good friend a mine, if you figure out who did it..." Sam got the gist of it.

    "You take the coroner, I'll check the bar." Dean told him when they were out of earshot.

    "To work or drink?" Sam asked him, making Dean shrug in response.

Leo Valdez OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora