The day you got the role

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You sat in your apartment, looking out the window to see the skyline of Brooklyn. You couldn't stop rereading the email you received just minutes ago, it read:

Y/n L/n,
Here is the script for my upcoming film, Great Lengths. It is an action packed film with a side of romance and it's about the lengths you would go for the one you love. I would like you to star as the action hero Alissa Katz. I think your range as an actress would be crucial to the success of this film. Please consider taking this role. The script is attached below.

David Leitch

After reading the script over, you decided you would be an idiot not to accept the role. So you decided to call David at the phone number he listed at the bottom of the email.

"Hey David, it's Y/n. I am so honored that you asked me to be in this film. I read the script and I am completely on board."

"That's so great to hear! You were our number one choice."

"Well thank you for thinking of me of me for the role."

"Now we don't start filming until summer, so in about 4 months. So you should have plenty of time to get comfortable with the script. The cast list will be sent in an email at the end of the week."

"Sounds great I look forward to getting to work with you."

"Same goes here. See you then."

After your call with David you decide to call one of your best friends, Taylor Swift.

"Hey Tay!"

You say excitedly as she answers the FaceTime call.

"Hey, what's up? What's so great that you can't wipe that smile off your face."

"I just got offered a lead role in an action film with David Leitch."

You say with the biggest grin on your face. You've been an actress for almost 20 years now, but you have always admired Leitch's work, so this is a big deal for you.

"Oh my God Y/n! That is so amazing! I'm so proud of you!"

Taylor decided she would take you out to dinner tonight to celebrate.

At around 7:00pm you heard a buzz to your apartment.  You let Taylor up and finished putting on some lip gloss.

You two head to one of your favorite restaurants in Brooklyn, Gemma.

You ask to sit in a table near the back to avoid getting noticed. After you both had ordered some wine, Taylor asks you,

"So do you know who else is signed on to do the film?"

"David said the cast list will be out by the end of the week, but I really want to know who is going to play Chloe. She's my love interest and then I have a best friend named Kate who is in a lot of scenes with my character."

"Did he tell you if anyone else had signed on?"

"No, I should've asked, fuck."

"Hahaha it's okay, I'm sure there will be posts online about who's in the film."

As if on queue, Taylor got a notification on her phone from Enews.

"Oh my God you are not going to believe who's playing Kate."

"What! I swear Tay, tell me right now."

"It's Emily Blunt."

You were the biggest Emily Blunt fan ever. You could not believe you were going to be in a film with her. I mean sure you'd see her across the room at events, but you never had the guts to say anything.

"No fucking way! That's insane. I am so excited! I've heard she's best to work with."

"I haven't met her before but Blake and Ryan know her pretty well and they say she is one of the sweetest human beings you'll ever meet."

When the end of the week had arrived you were so anxious to see the cast list. You opened your email to find out that Margot Robbie was playing your love interest, Chloe.

You had been close friends with Margot for quite some time. You both did some films together a few years back but you haven't worked on a project together in ages. It was a relief to know you were already comfortable with the actress who's playing your love interest.

Tom Holland was playing your brother, James. You loved Tom as well. You had never worked with him but you two became close at a few award show after parties. Let's just say the two of you are a pretty iconic karaoke duo.

A few other actors you knew had some smaller roles but the three big supporting actors were Margot, Tom and Emily.

Filming couldn't come soon enough.

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