episode 16

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The soft light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room as Nick stirred from his slumber. He blinked away the remnants of sleep, his mind still heavy with the weight of the previous night's events.

As he laid there in the quiet stillness of the morning, he still couldn't shake off the feeling of uneasiness that lingered in the air around him.

Her laughter, her ever so sweet smile, her honey voice, those flirtatious gestures and stares, it all haunted Nick like a specter. No matter how hard he tried, those vivid memories refuse to fade away into the depths of his subconscious.

With a sigh Nick broke out of his chain of thoughts and dragged himself out of his bed. His limbs with exhaustion as he stumbled his way into the bathroom. The cool tiles sent shivers along his spine.

He washed his face with water, hoping to wash away the fragments of his troubled dreams. But it seemed like whatever he tried, He just couldn't shake off his doubts about last night.

He wants to confront Boston, bombard him with questions. 'who is she?', 'is there something more to this I don't know?'. He knows it's none of his business, after all he was only ever just a friend to him. Right?

Why did this irritate him so much?

Nick looked back at his reflection in the mirror, He searched in the depths of his eyes, hoping to find the answer. Hoping to find an escape from the chaos in his thoughts. Though all he seemed to see was the reflection of uncertainty looking right back at him.

Nick let out a frustrated grown as he looked away from his reflection, his mind being drowned in the depths of his unanswered questions.

He cleaned himself up and exited the bathroom.

The smell of coffee greeted him as he entered his kitchen. A comforting reminder of the routines that anchored him to reality. He poured himself a cup, savoring the bitter taste on his tongue.

Though, even the familiar ritual of his morning coffee couldn't shake off his doubts that clinged on to him like a shadow, following him wherever he goes. He took a seat down on his kitchen table, still being lost in his own thoughts, until he received a text message from his manager.

-"Nick, you have a photo shoot by 10. I'll send you the address, be here by 9. I'm waiting."


With a deep sigh Nick entered his apartment complex, his eyes heavy with exhaustion. Today was hectic for him to say the least, having him drained both physically and emotionally.

He placed his keys on the coffee table beside the sofa and hanged up his coat. He kicked off his shoes and made his way towards the living room, flopping down on the sofa. He let out a soft sigh, letting his body relax.

The apartment was quiet, the only sound the faint hum of the refrigerator and the distant noise of traffic from outside.

As he laid down under the soft light, memories of last night crashed into his mind like a wave. He knows he shouldn't overthink it. He knows it's really none of his business, after all he in only ever just a friend. If Boston wants to date her, fine let him.

If Boston wants to hold her in his embrace, touch her, kiss her, let him be. Obviously just the thought didn't irritate Nick. No not at all! Why would it irritates him in the first place?

Maybe it was the fact that when Boston would laugh at her jokes, He wishes it with him making him laugh. Or maybe it was the fact that, whenever she would caress him, he wishes it was him and her place.

til you love me again | Boston x Nick (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now