episode 15

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Nick let out a huff as he took a seat on one of the nearby benches. "Here have some water" Boston said, holding a cold water bottle in his hand.

Nick lazily snatched the water bottle from his hand, before he started to chug the whole thing down his throat.

They have been skating for quite a while now. Though the night was still young with the moon shining through the dark clouds.

Boston took a seat next to Nick. "Ton I really don't know how you do it, My feet are killing me!" Boston let out a chuckle at Nick's statement.

"It's really easy once you get the hang of it" Boston looked in Nick's direction with a slight smile.

"Wanna grab something to eat before we go home?" Nick asked, looking back at the other.
"Yeah sure, there's this new cafe that just opened a few miles down"

"Here let me." Boston stated, again, going down on one of his knees and untying Nick's shoelaces for him.


"Such a gentleman, aren't you ton?" Nick commented with a smile as Boston opened the door to the cafe for him. Boston gave him a shy smile.

The cafe was small, but not too small. It had a very minimalistic, antique vibe to it. The walls had a dark wood paneling finish and engineered wood flooring to match. The place had very few people and held a slight aroma of coffee to it, with soft old fashioned music playing.

The two men went towards the counter to order their food. "Well hello there! What can we serve you today?" said the cashier behind the counter. "What do you want?" Boston asked, turning to face Nick who was looking at the menu.

"I guess I'll have a latte with toast bread on the side!" Nick said to the cashier. "What about you?" Boston looked down at the menu before replying "I guess I'll just have a Americano"

"All right then, Your total will be 12 dollars and 5 cents!" As Nick was about to pull out his wallet, Boston beat him to it and paid for their bill. "Hey! you told me I would pay this time, not fair!" Nick said in a slightly annoyed tone. He really wanted to pay this time as it was always Boston who would pay. Boston shrugged "well, sucks to be you" he said teasingly.

As the two were walking to their table, they were interrupted by a girl coming in front of them. "Boston!" Just by seeing her face, Nick could recognize that it was the same girl that Boston was with in the studio.

"Mina! What are you doing here?" Boston said with a smile displayed on his face. "Oh I just happened to come here to get a snack! Is this your friend?" Mina said with a smile, pointing her index finger towards the dark haired brunette.

"Oh yeah! Nick this is Mina, My colleague from the studio. Mina this is Nick, the friend that I told you works as a model" Boston introduced themselves to another.

Nick gave a slight smile and waved his hands at the other. In response, He received a fake grin for the woman. "Come on let's have the seat!" Said Mina, pulling Boston by the arm to one of the nearby tables. While Nick just followed them behind.

They sat down on a table, in one of the corners of the cafe. Backed up against a large window which gave you a view of the road with cars passing by here and there. They sat down and immediately started talking. Well it was mostly Boston and Mina talking, Nick just kind of sat there, looking around.

He watched has the two of them exchanged jokes to one another, filling up the air with a melody of laughters. Something Nick could not bring himself to appreciate, as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, nervously drumming his fingers on the tabletop.

til you love me again | Boston x Nick (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now