episode 13

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It was currently 5:45pm, Nick had just finished up his lunch. Due to his hectic schedule, He was eating lunch a bit later than he normally would.

It's been a few days after that incident with Dan. And during these past few days, slowly the love and affection Nick had carried for Dan, became neutral, at least that's what he thought, That's what he wants himself to believe.

Maybe to Dan and he was just a pit stop. Maybe he was just a fling. Maybe to Dan he was just an experience. But one thing is for sure, he just wasted Nick's time.

All he wants is for someone to give him the same amount of love he wishes to receive. He wants the type of love you would see in movies, or love novels. Yeah, yeah, It may sound corny, But he wants the romance novel type of love.

He wants someone to look into his eyes and fall ever so head over heels, It hurts them to breathe, And he wants to love someone so deeply in return. Yes, it maybe unrealistic, but a boy can only dream, right?

The young man's thoughts was disrupted by a notification from this phone. Nick turned his head over to his phone that was laying flat on the table. He reached his hand out to see who it was, expectedly, It was Dan.

My love💘

-hey, Nick, can you come to xxxxx restaurant down the street? I need to talk to you.

Damn, He really needs to change Dan's name on his phone, how long has he it kept that anyway? I'm pretty sure it's obvious why Dan was asking him to meet up. After that fight, Nick and Dan haven't talked since. It's almost as if they were strangers, again.

Nonetheless, He quickly finished up his lunch, got ready, took his coat and headed outside.


Nick again took a look at the map on his phone, to make sure he was at the right place.
He took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for what is going to happen.

He entered the restaurant, his eyes looking around for a specific dark brown haired man. That's when he spotted Dan sitting and one of the corners of the restaurant. He was on his phone typing something, more specifically texting someone, at least that's what it looked like.

For Nick to be nervous, would be an understatement, Nick could feel his anxiety rising up with each passing second. With nervous steps Nick made his way towards his soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend, hoping for the best. He just wants to get this thing over with.

"Dan? You texted me?" Nick said with a warm smile, trying to ease the uneasy feeling rising up inside him. "yes take a seat" Dan said, putting his phone back into his pocket. His voice almost emotionless, It made Nick wonder if Dan ever felt anything at all doing their relationship.

"Nick I am sorry to tell you this, But I don't think it's going to work out. I've been seeing people behind your back, But let's be honest You do it too. you just can't satisfy my needs, I don't want to be with someone who can't come to my expectations" Dan said, giving little to no care to the man in front of him, who looked as if he was about to cry.

"You know Dan, You really are a a$$hole, just like Boston said. You only ever think about yourself, after all the efforts I gave in our relationship.

Every time you would cry, I would be the first one to wipe your tears, I would be there to listen, I would be the person who would comfort you in the lowest of times, yet  you made me feel like a clown in a circus."Nick said.

His voice was trembling with each word. He felt overwhelmed as tears streaming down his face, which he harshly wiped.

He never thought Dan would be like this, behave like this, especially with him. This is definitely not the Dan He fell in love with. Definitely not the Dan whom he had given his heart to.

"See Nick, This is why I can't be with you, You're always so fūcking dramatic and overly sensitive, it's so pathetic. It annoys me you're like this, You annoy me. And please for fūck sake, Don't bring up that d1ckhead's name in front of me." Dan replied angrily, as if something ignited in him once he heard the 'so-called d1ckhead's' name.

That's when Nick had enough. He quickly wiped his tears in silence before standing up from his seat. "I'll be the first one to head out, I wish you the best in the future Dan. Goodbye" Nick stated, immediately heading out the restaurant before anyone nearby sees his crying face.


It was 7:23pm, The night was still young.
Currently, it was raining outside, droplets of water pouring down the glass window. The sky held a dark gray that was illuminated by the strikes of lightning.

Boston stepped out the shower. His hair dripping wet and only a towel loosely wrapped around his hips. Boston had just came back from a long day of work at the studio. He was thinking about visiting Nick, I mean after Boston had told him about Dan, It felt as if it had hit Nick very hard.

His crying face, his red nose, bloodshot eyes, salty tears, the way he had hugged Boston as if his life depended on it, was a scene that pained Boston to this day every time he had thought of it.

After that day, He hasn't gotten in contact with Nick. Even though it has just been a few days since their last encounter, Boston's heart still calls out for that one dark haired boy.

Boston came out of his room after changing his clothes. He made his way towards the kitchen to make his dinner. Today he felt like eating noodles as he was too lazy to prepare anything else. He took out a instant noodles packet out from the cupboard.

Just as he was about to start boiling his water. He heard his doorbell ring. Boston let out of frustrated sigh before heading towards the door.

And there stood Nick, drenched in water as if he had just been walking in the rain, his eyes all puffy, his nose held a dark shade of red, his lips all pouty as if he had been crying. "Can I stay here for the night?" Nick said, his voice shivering as he spoke.

Boston immediately welcomed him inside. "Nick! What happened?!" Boston held Nick's face with his palm, using his other hand to move aside his hair behind his ear. Again tears started forming in corner of his eyes, with a shaky voice Nick replied

"He left me.."

----------------------✒️------------------------idk what else to say. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I will to keep you guys updated as much as I can, I've been very busy these days.

Oh well, see you all next week <3

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