Chapter 15 - Mission failed, successfully?

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"No, I think the brief says to do it like this-"

"But that literally makes no sense!"

Lily and Carla were bickering over the poor instructions Ms Applegate had wrote for the latest project they had to do, whilst the others just did the bare minimum so Carla didn't write their names off.

Billy looks over to his right and sees Kid typing away contently on his phone, an unusually wide smile plastered all over the lower half of his face.

"What're you smiling at?" Billy elbows his friend.

"Mm, nothing." Adam says quietly, without looking up from his phone.

"You never smile this much, especially over 'nothing'" Billy raises his eyebrows, calling bullshit.

"Can't I just be in a good mood?" Kid scowls.

"Sorry to but in, but you're never in a good mood Kid." Lily mimicked her brother's facial movement.

"I can be, if I try hard enough." Kid shrugs.

"Clearly Felix doesn't have to try that hard." Carla rolls her eyes before widening them and slapping both her hands over her mouth, realising what she said when the whole group whipped around and start shouting.

"For goodness sake, I can be happy without Felix being the reason!" Kid had to shout to be heard over the sea of voices, seeking for answers about this new piece of gossip that they weren't informed about.

"And you're denying he's the reason right now?" Ted asks.

"Well, no, not in this case but!-"

"Oh, for the love of God, Kid just ask him out already!" Billy groaned and buried his head in his hands.

"No! That could ruin everything." Kid refused Billy's request and crossed his arms.

"If you don't do it, I will." Billy proposed, clearly irritated.

"Billy, don't you dare-"

"I'm serious! It's so obvious that he likes you." Billy threw his hands up in the air, clearly frustrated.

"I don't even know if he's gay." Kid frowned in defeat.

"Oh, he's extremely gay." Billy scoffs.

"How can you tell? And don't say your 'gay-dar'" Kid raised his eyebrows at the last bit, fully knowing that's what Billy was thinking of saying.

"Kid, think about it, what straight man colour co-ordinates his suits and ties?" Ted frowns at his friends naivety.

"Okay, fair point." Kid giggled.

"You just need to shoot your shot, if you don't you'll probably regret it, regardless of whether it ruins your friendship." Lily shrugged, not knowing what other advice to give to her struggling friend.

"Honestly Kid, you can't sit here and lie to his face pretending you don't like him." Carla said.

"Acting like you don't do the same with someone else." Buggs snickered.

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