Chapter 14- Daisy chains and disproving rumours

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As the wind blew the grass delicately from side to side the "stupid class", plus Carla, Lily, and Billy, began to assemble in their local park. It was the hangout spot that everyone went to, considering it was the only real habitable part of their small town.

Billy and Lily sat beneath the ginormous oak tree, fiddling and picking the grass every now again whilst Billy lovingly watched Ted help Penny make and distribute daisy chains to every single one of their friends, which he was doing a decent job at.

"Here is your daisy chain, Miss Lily, the maker wants to apologise that she wasn't able to accommodate your special request of lily's instead of daisy's." Ted sighed which he followed with a little giggle.

"That's okay, this is beautiful! Send my compliments to the designer." She smiled before carefully putting it over her head, making sure to double check it wasn't getting tangled in her short, navy-coloured hair.

"And here's yours, Mr Monstermon." Ted blushed a shade of light pink before handing his boyfriend a replica of Lily's chain.

"Please Teddy, no need for formalities, although it's nice to see you taking your job seriously," He smiled at Theo's dedication to stay in character for Penny, "It's just a shame you don't come as a complementary gift." He pulled the blonde closer and whispered in his ear.

Theo whispered something back with a wide smirk on his face, causing Billy to turn the matching shade to a tomato before he smacked his hand over his mouth as his boyfriend walked off.

"For goodness sake, what did he say now?" Lily groaned and rolled her eyes, it was a daily occurance that the couple would whisper dirty jokes in eachothers ear and see who got the best reaction.

"Oh, er- nothing, I just- choked on my own spit." Billy coughed, trying to pull himself together.

"Bullshit, give you ten minutes before you start fanboying to me over whatever he said." She scoffed.

"Rude! You have no faith in me." The boy sulked at his sister's, probably true, prediction

"Correct." She punches him lightly on the arm, earning an "Ow!" from her twin, which breaks her into laughter.

A little further away, Buggs and Carla are talking near one of the benches in the far left corner of the park while Carla is looking through her bag, making sure all her products that had been pre-ordered a few days before were all in there, waiting for their buyers.

"So, how's the love life going?" Buggs asked innocently, this was a common conversation starter the two had. After Carla agreed to tutor Buggs for a semester the two got very close, like brother and sister, always looking out for eachother and Carla even gave him discounts to her shop, and she does that for no one.

"Eh, nothing new, what about you? Got further with a certain someone yet?" Carla smiled as she said the last sentence, both of them knew very well who she was getting at.

"Kind of? I don't know, she's so confusing man. Love is hard." He shrugs and laughs slightly before lighting his joint.

"I think you just picked a tough one, I know Cindy's like my closest friend, but she is hard work. Good luck with that one." She raised her eyebrows and giggled, before seeing a frequent customour approach her.

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