Chapter One - Spiraling

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The blinding sun casted golden rays across Carla Domiguez's room, reflecting looming shadows along her plain beige walls which have been screaming at her for what felt like months, dying to be decorated.

Whilst Carla tossed and turned in her sleep, her father shouted up to her, signaling his exit to make his way to his job in a crummy mexican restaurant ran by his grandparents.

The rays of sun shrunk and enlarged as the minutes went by, coming and going at their own pace as they pleased. Sometimes there was almost no hope that the room would be filled with light after being dark for so long, but sure enough the room would illuminate once more.

Carla finally broke out of her deep sleep as a beam of light landed straight over her eyes, causing her to shield them with her tanned, sunkissed hand. She yawned and stretched and her fingertips nearly touched the ceiling while she regained her conscious.

One she remembered last night and the tears that followed, her bed suddenly became ten times comfier than what it felt a few minutes ago. She pushed her face up with the palms of her hands as a pathetic way of waking herself up to prepare for the day ahead of her which she was not looking forward to one bit.

All she could think about was her boyfriend- well, now ex boyfriend; Felix Huxley.

It was a mutual agreement between the two; it just wasn't working anymore. The once bright scorching spark of romance and happiness had burned out into small chunks of ashes scattered over the remains of their fading relationship.

The fact they ended on good terms really made it sting that little bit more, and seeing his face today definitely wouldn't help.

She sat upright in her bed with her baby blue blanket draped around her shoulders while she sipped her leftover coffee from the morning before, a bitter taste lingering in her mouth on the tip of her tongue.

As much as she didn't want the day to start, it already had.

Time for Tuesday.


Carla walked through the gates with her head down and her hood up covering half of her vision, she was not in the mood to see, interact or even breathe if she was not required to.

She felt numerous eyes following her every move, she rolled her own in annoyance as to why everyone was so bothered. Probably because she didn't get stopped at the gate and checked for contraband like she usually does every day, she just couldn't be bothered to deal with the hassle, her services were stopped for now until she got past this harsh heartbreak.

The latina heard footsteps coming in her direction, she pivoted and turned the other way but before she could take a step, a firm grip on her shoulder swung her back around and she was greeted by the better twin of the Huxleys, Theodore.

"Carla! How are you?" Theodore Huxley was 'the better twin' and one of the most positive people to every bless Kindergarten Academy, his optimism radiated off of him and anyone within a twelve mile radius would feel a surge of excitement.
He beamed upwards towards his friend, completely oblivious to what happened the night prior involving her and his twin brother.

Carla chuckled silently, of course Felix didn't tell him anything. "Has Felix seriously not told you anything of what happened last night?"

"No...?" The boy scowled in confusion and tried to think of when his brother last spoke to him.

The latina scoffed and rolled her eyes once more, "Typical Felix.." She crossed her arms and walked away into the school building.


Last Night - (A Kindergarten AU)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum