chapter 20

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ALORA DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THIS QUEST, but man handling a satyr wasn't what she expected. It wasn't until then, that Percy and Alora remembered they came here with their friends and split off to find them, despite Percys protests.

Alora knew Annabeth like the back of her hand, so she knew that the girl wouldn't just wander off completely unless something was wrong. That meant the quicker the pair found their friends, the better, leading them to split up to do so quicker.

As much as Alora adored Percy, she needed some time alone to process everything that had happened in the short space of time since they arrived in Vegas. Her mom had suddenly appeared after abandoning her daughter over a decade ago, and Alora had a feeling that she would hear from her again. On top of that, they had just wasted days in the casino and the only process they had made was stealing from a god.

Alora couldn't think of anything she wanted more than to sleep her troubles away in her cozy little cabin. How she longed to be home.

"Annabeth!" The brunette yelled, trying to be heard over the loud machines in the casino. She was still yet to find Annabeth anywhere, that was until she found her best friend with three other kids at a go-kart machine. "Annie, there you are!"

The four looked at Alora, all in confusion. The two older of the three kids with Annabeth were girls, around the age of twelve Alora assumed, and the younger, who looked only a little younger, was a boy but they all shared the similar olive skin and dark hair. Alora ignored that feeling deep in her stomach as she turned back to Annabeth.

"Annie, we have to go." She rushed out and pulled the girl away quickly.

"Go?" Annabeth questioned as she pulled her arm away gently. "Go where?"

"To meet Percy, he's looking for Grover right now..."

"Percy? Grover?" Annabeth cut her off, furrowing her eyebrows. "I'm sorry, who are you again?"

"What?" Alora choked out as she felt her breath catch in her throat. "Annie, it's me, Alora. Your best friend."

"Oh, you're my best friend?" Annabeth asked as a smile grew on her face excitedly. "Let's go then! Wait, where are we going? And whats a grover?"

"Percy and Grover are your other best friends." Alora cut off her rambling and grabbed the girls arm, dragging her along with her. "We need to go meet them to complete this quest before-"

"We're on a quest?" Annabeth asked, excitement taking over her. Despite forgetting everything else, the girls dream for a quest seemed to still be clear in her mind.

"Yes, now come on. We need to find Hermes car."

It didn't take long for Alora to find Percy waiting for her at the parking lot entrance, Grover standing contently by his side. When he spotted her he couldn't help but let the smile on his face grow, motioning for her to follow him.

"Annie doesn't remember anything." Alora said as they walked side by side, grover and annabeth following them without question, the worry evident in her voice. "It'll wear off, right?"

"Yeah," Percy nodded to reassure her, even though he didn't quite know for sure. He glanced back at the two before turning back to Alora. "They'll be okay, don't worry."

Alora had no choice but to take his word for it, but she still couldn't shake off that feeling that overcame her when she found Annabeth with those kids. She didn't know why, but she felt as if she was meant to do something and couldn't figure out what. Subconsciously, she started to chew on her nails and only realised when Percy grabbed her wrist gently.

"Are you okay?" He looked at her in concern. "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." She shook her head as let her wrist fall back to her side. "I just have a bad feeling about that casino."

MY DREAM • percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now