chapter 3

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ALORA WANTED NOTHING MORE THAN TO SLEEP FOR DAYS as soon as she returned to camp but her best friend, Annabeth Chase, had other plans.

"Annie, I had a hard day I want to go back to sleep!" Alora whined, following behind the other girl unwilling.

"You told me he killed the minotaur lora, i need to see if he can help me." Annabeth told her like it was obvious as alora rolled her eyes.

Annabeth was a daughter of athena; goddess of wisdom and war. Annabeth wanted nothing more than to go on a quest and prove herself worthy to her mother. She wanted to be the perfect daughter for her mother, whatever it may take.

Annabeth had many expectations to uphold whereas she assumed Alora had none. This was what made the two so close and what also caused the most trouble between them.

Everyone saw Alora as an oblivious, ditzy, "dumb blonde" brunette whose father didn't expect anything of her, except for sleeping and dreaming. Everyone including Annabeth.

Despite this, Alora internally had so much to uphold for her father. Delivering prophecies wasn't easy, nor was controlling who you may visit in their dreams. Alora felt that she was wasting those parts of her gift as she couldn't efficiently use them. She also had to prove herself worthy of her father's attention, her half brother Morpheus was a god and her being a demigod meant she would always be in his shadow.

The two girls arrived at the infirmary cabin and headed straight to the room Percy was staying in.

"Don't you think this is a little creepy?" Alora whispered as the two looked at the sleeping boy.

She never realised his beauty before, having been stressing about trying not to die. Seeing him peacefully lying there Alora finally took in his features. His freckles. His soft blonde curls thats still looked perfect despite the storm they had been in before. And she couldn't forget about his eyes.

"No." Annabeth replied shrugging her shoulders as the boy started to stir in his sleep.

"Where am I?" He mumbled, not fully awake yet.

"You drool a little when you sleep." Alora blurted out, not knowing what took over her.

"Huh?" Percy then fell back to sleep as Alora blushed hard in embarrassment.

"Real charming." Annabeth commented as Alora groaned quietly.

"Shut up Annie."

Alora was passing by the Hermes cabin when Annabeth finally let her go so she could sleep, but Luke unfortunately called her.

"Lora!" Luke Castellan; son of Hermes called out. Luke was a friendly, charming and clearly handsome guy that obviously liked Alora, except she had been too oblivious to notice it.

Alora internally groaned before turning around with a sweet smile. He waved her over and she entered the Hermes cabin with him and his group of friends. "Did the new kid really kill a minotaur?"

"Yeah," alora sighed softly, "I don't know why everyone keeps talking about it, poor boy lost his mom and will be constantly reminded of it."

"Speak of him," One of Lukes friends spoke and the rest turned and followed his eye-line.

"Everyone!" Chiron called to gain the attention of everyone beside Percy, who looked like he was going to cry from embarrassment. "This is Percy Jackson. I trust you will see to whatever he needs."

Everyone went back to their previous activities while Percy found Aloras eyes, smiling at her before turning back to Chiron. After Chiron left the cabin Percy headed to where his bags lay, infront of the group.

"Come on," Alora mumbled heading towards the boy, "Hey Percy."

"Hi Alora," Percy spoke, happy to see someone he recognised. His happiness seemed to go away as Luke came over. "Look if you want to give me a hard time, just do it tomorrow. I can't do anymore today."

Luke looked at the boy with pity before speaking.

"I heard what happened to you on the hill..." He started, "i just wanted to say I'm really sorry. I know what you're going through, believe me."

He reached out to shake the younger boys hand, "I'm Luke."

Percy hesitated before shaking it, "Percy."

Luke walked away after nodding at the boy in understanding, leaving Alora with the boy.

"How are you feeling?" She asked the boy, avoiding eye contact in fear of drowning in his eyes.

"As good as i can be after what happened." Percy attempted to joke but it came out more sad than he intended.

"Look, i know everything here must seem crazy to you, trust me i get it, but I'm always going to be around if you ever uh- need to talk or just y'know.."

The girl trailed off looking at her hands as she spun the ring on her finger nervously, awaiting the boys answer.

"Thank you." His voice was soft and made Alora look up. When they made eye contact the feeling of drowning came along with it, but now she decided that she didn't mind it all that much now. Almost as if she didn't believe in that kind of thing anymore. For the first time since she met him a genuine smile crossed his features. "I really appreciate it."

"Get some sleep Percy." She chuckled as she began to exit the cabin, "Big things are coming tomorrow."

authors note:
bit of a shorter chapter in promise the next one will be longer!!

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