chapter 5

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ALORA DIDN'T USUALLY TAKE PART IN CAPTURE THE FLAG but this year Annabeth persuaded her. After the bathroom incident, Annabeth apologised to Alora, telling her that this was going to happen either way and it would be better to prepare Percy now.

As angry as Alora was about this, she knew it was true. It just infuriated her that she had to be a part of it. Annabeth promised her that if she took part in capture the flag she would be able to keep him safe, immediately making the girl agree.

"The first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor." Chiron explained to the teams. "As always there will be no maiming and no killing. I trust these rules will be respected."

Percy looked around him. Everyone seemed so aggressive and ready to fight. Except Alora. She looked like she was going to fall asleep. He smiled at the girl in admiration. Even when she was about to doze off she looked beautiful.

"Any magical items you may possess are permitted as well."

Percy looked down at the pen he held nervously.

"It's okay," Luke assured him, keeping his gaze ahead, "Let her rip."

"I still don't even know what my job is." Percy told him, "Maybe i won't even need a sword."

"Let the games begin!" Chiron finally called out and the conch was blown. This, along with the battle cries, made Alora jolt awake.

"I'm gonna need a sword." Percy nodded in shock.

Annabeth and Alora approached Luke and Percy to go over the plan Annabeth had made up.

"Alright, we have 20 minutes before the second conch and game on." She started and turned to Luke, "You know what you're doing?"

"Yes ma'am," Luke nodded turning away.

"Hey," Annabeth stopped him, "Today feel like a winning kind of day to you?"

"I'll see you on the other side," Luke smirked and walked off. "Company, move out!"

Percy went to follow the group that Luke was leading before Alora grabbed his wrist gently. His eyes glued to her hand, instantly his face felt warm.

"Nuh uh," She shook her head, leading him in the other direction, "Not you sunshine, you're with us."

She dropped his hand, leaving Percy to follow her and Annabeth. He did so, looking like a lost puppy.

When they reached a certain point of the hill they were climbing Percy tripped over a branch.

Annabeth turned and looked at him silently while Alora laughed behind her hand. He sat on his knees looking at them in disbelief.

"Im fine, thanks." He says sarcastically, "But I appreciate you, you know, standing there silently and laughing."

He stood up and put his sword into the sleeve of his belt as Alora raised her hands in a joking surrender before turning and walking with Annabeth again.

"Listen, I get it." Percy spoke up and walked beside Alora. "Okay. You're both better at this than me."

"Lora isn't that good at this." Annabeth shrugged truthfully.

"Hey!" Alora turned to her, knowing she wasn't but not wanting to admit it.

"I need this to go well today." Percy ignored the two. "I can't really get into it, but i need my father to see it go well. So if you're going to expect me to know how to do something I don't know how to do... and i end up falling flat on my face I can't really have that right now."

MY DREAM • percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now