chapter 1

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FOR AS LONG AS PERCY COULD REMEMBER, he had the same dream of a girl with curly, brown hair and soft blue eyes, similar yet greatly different to his own. The girl would appear on an empty beach where the wave would lap onto the sand perfectly each time. She would hum quietly to herself peacefully, before realising his presence.

"Percy," she would mutter before looking directly at him, "έλα σπίτι."

She would speak in a language he did not understand but he would wake up before he could question it every time. It began to get frustrating, not knowing this girl and not being able to figure out what she was telling him, especially when it seemed so serious.

He could only hope that someday he could finally ask the mystery girl what she was telling him.

As for alora, the girl was peacefully humming in her sleep as she floated above her bed with her pillow floating softly beneath her head.

Despite the fact that all Percy could think about when he woke up was the dream of a girl he just had, alora had no memory of visiting the boy at all.

What she did know was that a powerful demi-god was in danger and needed to be in the safety of the Camp half blood. She informed Chiron immediately about this and he told her that he would take care of it, leaving her out of it. That was until Grover, the satyr protecter of the endangered demi god, entered her cabin one night.

She could have seen this coming if she wasn't constantly dreaming. It was fate, the gods might have believed.

"Alora," Grover called out to the floating girl who he had never heard humming this loud before. The girl did not wake up, causing Grover to yell louder. "Alora!"

Still the girl was peacefully sleeping, being the daughter of the god of sleep making her a heavy sleeper.

"Alora!!" He yelled and this time the girl awoke and fell onto her bed softly.

"Hm?" alora replied groggily, rubbing her eyes in confusion. "Grover? What time is it?"

"Never mind that," Grover brushed off the question and grabbed the girls arm, slightly pulling her from her bed, "the boy you saw is in danger and Chiron told me to bring you along to get him. Incase of any unexpected surprises, y'know?"

"Why would I help?" Alora asked in confusion, stretching out her arms as she floated a few centimetres above the floor of her cabin.

"Because you have been humming like crazy since you told us about him, and missing a couple hours of sleep won't hurt you."Alora blushed slightly in embarrassment, she had not realised this. "Now come on, your cabin is making me sleepy and we really need to go."

Grover wasn't over reacting when saying this. Alora's cabin, that she luckily had to herself due to her father not being an olympian and technically not having a place in the camp, had the effect of making others tired. The enchantment on it as well as the cabins cozy interior created this effect.

It took until they reached the mainland of camp until Alora realised.

"Wait, we're leaving camp?" The girl asked alarmed, suddenly feeling wide awake.

She arrived at the camp when she was extremely young, she couldn't remember her life before it. She had never left the camp, her mortal mother leaving her behind and her reputation making her unsuitable in their eyes to be chosen for a quest. The camp was all she had known and she didn't know how she felt about leaving it all of a sudden, especially during the night.

"Yes," Grover sighed guilty. "I know you haven't left camp but we really need your help Alora. Please come with me."

The girl debated it silently, but being unable to let Grover down in a time of need she agreed to go.

"You owe me for this." She mumbled as she followed him. She flew behind the satyr as he led her to the cabin the 'chosen one', as she thought him to be, was. She looked around at the trees they passed, she expected more of the world she didn't know. "Is the outside world always so.. green?"

"No, we can talk about that another time." he replied as they reached the small cabin, walking up the steps and knocking on the door.

Alora looked around at the cabin, it looked different to the ones at camp. Were all houses like this?

"Who's there?" a panicked voice called from inside.

"Mrs Jackson?" Grover asked hurriedly, looking around the pair cautiously. "It's grover. This is a little time sensitive. Could someone maybe open the door?"

The voices inside were muffled but Alora could make out a boy and a woman through the glass of the door from behind grover, before the door opened.

"I asked to have the night, you said we could all leave in the morning." The woman, she assumed was the boys mother, said when she opened the door.

"Sorry I'm early, but i didn't have any choice!" Grover told her as she looked at Alora in confusion, who just smiled back at her equally confused. All she knew was that danger was coming, she could feel it. "Things have changed, this is developing a lot faster than we anticipated."

"Early?" the voice inside asked as grover moved through the door with Alora trailing behind him. "You should have asked me before you- whatever it is you're going to say I don't wanna... hear it."

The boy trailed off as he looked at the girl beside grover. She was the girl that was basically haunting him, the girl he was constantly thinking about, the one he didn't think was real. She was standing right in front of him.

The moment they made eye contact Alora felt like she could drown in his eyes, they were like deep pools of ice cold water and she was not a strong swimmer. She felt familiar with him, feeling now she put a name with a face. She knew this was Percy Jackson, the chosen one.

She broke the eye contact and looked down, causing the boy to slowly look away from her to grovers hooves.

"Grover?" he asked, the increasing confusion clear in his tone.

"Percy." Grover nodded to the boy with guilt.

i knew it was percy, alora thought.

"Okay so somethings coming.." Grover started, while percy called his name, "and i know that sounds really bad.."

"Grover," Percy called again, his eyes glued to grovers hooves as Alora looked between the two.

"But the important thing is not to panic."

"Im not panicking." Mrs Jackson told the satyr who was obviously panicking.


"Great!" he said, "Im also definitely not panicking."

"He is panicking and has been the entire way here." Alora finally spoke up, gaining the attention of Mrs Jackson, she smiled softly at the older woman.

"You aren't helping right now Alora." Grover turned to her, causing her to mimic him.

"Grover!" Percy yelled loudly, finally gaining his attention.


"Grover why is there half a goat in your pants?" He then pointed to Alora who looked shocked at the upcoming accusation. "And why are you with the girl from my dreams."

"Aw thats so sweet-" Alora smiled, not taking the sentence literally, before being cut off by grover.

"Oh!" he spoke in realisation, looking between the mother and son. "Oh boy, she didn't tell you about... you didn't tell him about me?"

"You're early." Mrs jackson repeated with her hands on her hips as Grover turned to Percy and paused.

"So the important thing is not to panic."

"We'll continue this in the car, let's go." Mrs Jackson walked to grab her coat and keys, as percy looked suspiciously between grover and alora.

"What's a car?"

Authors note:
this chapter is quite long and boring but was necessary for the introductions. this also isnt proof read but i hope you enjoy!

MY DREAM • percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now