Evelyn frowned, "I can't today, I have an appointment, sorry" if she was being honest even without the therapy session she wouldn't be able to go anyways as she had Faith to look after. Not that she minded, she loves her baby

"that's okay we can do something another time" her smile never fading as she spoke to the blonde, "also just a heads up, it's Addies birthday on Saturday so expect an invite to her party"

Evelyn's eyebrows rose in a mix of suprise and confusion. she'd never been invited to a birthday party before, she'd never even celebrated her own. would she have to buy a gift? what gift? what would she wear?

"hey, hey don't worry" Athena reassured as if she could see the worry spinning in the blondes eyes as her thoughts raced a million miles per hour, "it's just at Addies house so it'll be pretty chill, just a few people from school and some kids from her dance class"

Evelyn nodded smiling as though what  the curly haired girl had said comforted her, it did not

In fact it made her nerves skyrocket. Sure, Addie was nice she'd been nothing but sweet to her since she met her but could she really say the same for her friends? I mean if Faye was anything to go of Evelyn for sure knew the answer would be no

And with the word of the blonde being a teen mom still top of the gossip train (sure no one had actually said anything apart from a few snide comments and dirty looks) Evelyn was aware going to a party full of her school peers wouldn't be a great idea

But she just wanted to feel normal for once, so she thought fuck it, "okay I'll go"

As the final bell rung signalling the end of the school, Evelyn made her way to the front of the school where she knew Carina was waiting for her to take her to her therapist appointment. Despite the nerves that gnawed at her stomach, she forced a smile not wanting to get in trouble for being difficult

"Ciao Bambina" Carina spoke as Evelyn slipped into the front seat, her smile full of warmth and love, "how was your day?"

"hi, it was okay " she vaguely replied slipping her bag into in between her knees, not wanting to burden her foster mom  "where's faith?" she asked as she noticed the car seat in the back empty, missing her daughter

"She's still at daycare, we'll get her after your appointment— but don't worry, I went to see her durning my lunch break and she's having a fantastica time with her friends"

Evelyn nodded feeling slightly at ease with that information, while Carina raised her eyebrows her gaze soft as she redirected the conversation back to the original topic "just okay?"

The blonde sighed, "it was fine, I guess" she admitted, her tone filled with uncertainty as she continued to speak, "I got the job"

Carinas gave lit up with genuine excitement, "è fantastico, ben fatto" she exclaimed, reaching her free hand to give her foster daughter knee a squeeze, "im so proud of you"

Evelyns face turned to a slight hue of red not at all use to the words of endearment that had been thrown her way, "thanks" she played with her the hem of her shirt, her mouth opening and closing a few times trying to find the confidence to ask the question that had been plaguing her mind all day

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