We drove for atleast 20 minutes..

He pulled over at an underground carpark of a really tall building..

"Come" he stated..

I came down from the car and he led me to the elevator..

He pressed the button..we ascended up..and I could see outside..we kept on going until we reached the top floor..the highest..

We entered the hallway..and he grabbed my hand again..leading me to two large double doors..

He opened the door..and I was greeted by a luxurious.. very luxurious living area..

He led me inside..and shut the door..

"Where are we exactly?" I asked..confused..

He went to turn on the heater of the place..

This was obviously a penthouse..

He took off his Tux..revealing the white shirt underneath..and came closer to me..

"My penthouse" he stated..as he place the tux around my body..

"You must be cold" he said softly..

"Very..thank you"i said as I snuggled in the warmth of both the tux and his cologne..

I walked in further..and this place was made for luxury..

I could see the river from here..there was glass everywhere..it was actually beautiful..

I walked closer to the glass widows..hugging my arms..

It's surely beautiful..seeing the snow fall from here..

"Why don't we have a seat?"He said.. I turned..as I walked back to the black luxurious couch..

He stood..holding two glass of red wine..his white shirt now folded up to his elbows..and two buttons unbuttoned..

He looks so hot..

He handed me one..and sat down..

I sat down beside him..and took a sip..


"Why are we here?"I asked

He took a sip of the red wine..

"I figured..if I'm going to tell you about my past..we needed privacy" he said.. now sitted comfortably on the couch..

I raised my legs on the couch..trying to get more comfortable too..

We were quite for a while..

"Well?" I coerced..

"Where should I start?" He asked..

"From when you were born"i smiled

He chuckled..then sighed..

"I was 10 when the responsibility of handling a well known mafia was brought upon me" he started..


"Yes..ivy was 4" he looked at me..


He pursed..

"My mother was restless that very night..She was against my father travelling..she could feel the danger looming..but my Father was adamant on going..that night he came back with great danger" he said..then took a sip of the wine..

"Why?" I asked

"My father always believed my mother on anything..they were quite intresting lovebirds" he started and chuckled..memories flashing..

Adonis Machavelli?!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat