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Still on flashback


Adonis and I had sex actually..

It was in perfect sync..


I steered in my sleep..still naked under the duvet..I woke up..and smiled thinking about last night..

My first time was also amazing right?

I knew..it was possible for Adonis to have left..I mean it was a one night stand..no string attached..

How I wish a string..even a thread was attached..

I was surprised when I opened my eyes and saw him..still there..

Ohh..thank god

He was staring at me with his alluring grin..

His dimples..gosh..

"The Angel is finally awake" he said with a smile.. once again displaying his amazing dimples..

"Ohh..you are here" I said surprised..

"Yeah..you think I would have fled?" He asked with a questioning look..

But instead..without thinking..I crashed my lips into his..

Yeah..right..I haven't  brushed my teeth..fuck selena

We broke apart..and he was just grinning at me..

"My bad..Good morning..Greek god" I said with a smile..

"Alright.." He smiled..

"I have been waiting for you" he said standing up and walking into the walk in closet..

I sat up..

He came back all dressed in a black shirt and a black trousers..holding out the suit..

"Humm..are you heading somewhere?"I asked..trying to ignore how hot he looks in what he is wearing..

"Yeah..I'm leaving..I have to go on a business trip" he said almost apologetically..

"Ohh okay..so you waited for me to wake up?"I asked surprised 

"Yeah..And I already put my number on your phone.." He said gesturing to my phone which is placed on the side table..

"Ohh..so you want us to stay in touch?" I asked..

He already put on his suit..and oh my..

"Yeah..I wouldn't want to lose a gem like you selena" he said sitting with me on the bed..

I blushed hard..

"Alright.." I said..and he kissed me..a long one actually..

"I'm going to see you..After summer" he said and kissed me on the forehead..

He stood up..gave me a one last glance..and smiled

Then left..

I was stunned..

I wasn't even expecting him to be here when I wake up..and he gave me his number wanting us to meet after summer..

I definitely want to meet him too..


I had my bath in his insanely big bathroom..

I realise that there is nothing for me to wear..so I just put on one of his big sweat shirt..that almost reached my knees..

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