5.My life

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One year later..

"Wake the fuck up..Selena" Bella said hitting me..

"Okay..okay..I'm awake..gosh" I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes..

"It's 10 in the morning..for God sake" She said and left my room

"Well..since I'm still jobless..I can wake up anytime I want!.." I shouted behind her and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth..

Yepp..still jobless..

You know in movies or maybe real life...

After a break up..it always something like..my life is going great..

But mine..as turned out for the worse..

Still jobless..and the guy I'm possibly in love with..already left me..so

My life is going great..

I went to the kitchen..

"What's for breakfast?" I asked..

Bella started laughing..

"You look like a crazy cat" She said..

Well..she is right..my hair is so unkempt..

And I probably stink..

"Well..lucky for me..cats are cute..now what is for breakfast?" I said..

"Make something for yourself" She said..

"You are mean" I whined like a child..

And went to make a toast..with peanut butter..it was done and..and I took a glass of orange juice too..

"What are you doing?" I said looking at her..while stuffing my mouth with the toast..

"Sorting out..some mails..that has been in the mailbox..for a while" She said not looking up at me

"Ohh..okay.." I said..

Now I was done..

"Please..tell me that..there is a letter there saying: Selena you have been given this job!" I said..

"Well..there is none" She said blankly..

"Really?..you can't even give me words of motivation" I said dropping my dishes in the sink..

"Do I look like a motivational speaker?" She asked..


"There is one here actually!" She exclaimed..

"Really?..what does it say?" I asked..

"Miss Selena Gomez..you have been offered a job as a fashion designer..in our newly established division..please..we would love to have you..Louis vuitton.." she said..

And we both screamed..

"I can't believe..I got the job..yes!!" I shouted at the top of voice..I'm so happy..

"Happy for you girl!..when did you apply?" She asked..

"Two years ago..before we went to hawaii..I can't belive this" I said happily..

"Amazing girl!"

"I'm going to have my bath okay?" I said leaving..excitedly..

"Yeah..you have punished your body enough" She said and started laughing..

"And go get ready..for your new job babes!" She said and I smiled..


I got dressed in a white sophisticated suit..a white high heel..

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