Ep13 The 10th Supreme Machine

Start from the beginning

"Oh god. Sam! Sam! where are you? you bastard demons! where did you take him?"

running around the perimeter, John felt the adrenaline pumping in his ear. What the hell happend? what time is? when did the assault happen?

John stopped. bloody footprints littered the ground away into the darkness.

"Sam? you there?" John waives his lantern and readys a fire ball behind him.

He walks farther.

"Hello John. I hope I didn't disturb your sleep."

It was sams voice, john understood that, but it was... some what robotic. like someone was talking through him.

"Sam, step into the light. I saw blood, whats wrong man."

"I will walk into the light, but don't be scared."


loud stomping could be heard in the darkness.

loud stomping could be heard in the darkness

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What the hell is that? is that.. an eye? whose eye is it? and what the hell is holding it? a claw? a metal claw?

"What the hell!"

John fires his fireball. as it closed in, it revealed a red monstrosity, bone and ink spewing from it's iron frame.

From the fire flash, he saw text that was somewhat scratched out.

"V2? What the hell kind of demon people are you?"

John stumbled backwards in fear.

The monster continued forward.

"I don't wish you harm Jack, I promise. I just need you to send a message."

The monster was towering over him now.

"48 hours from now, tell your superiors, that is all the time they have. either surrender or be fed to the machines."

the monster held out his iron claw, two jutting out from his palm.

"two days"

John couldn't speak. the monster might as well take his voice. The same as how he took Sam's voice.

out of his view a large flare is shot into the air. John didn't bother looking away from the demon infront of him.

 John didn't bother looking away from the demon infront of him

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"I get it I get it. the melting part surprised me too. The plus side of being left as nothing more then a blood splatter in your last life. Anyhow, I believe its my time to leave. Enjoy your night John."

John watched the red demon seep into a dark puddle on the ground and evemtually vanish.

Turning back to see where the flare came from. John was left with nothing back fear

The horseman began to walk. what looked like city lights covered it's back. in the middle artillary and mechanical monsters were writhing in bloodlust.

John scrambled back to the camp, grabbing for the calling stone

coming from it a calm voice came through

"This is HQ, I told you before the next team whi-"

"Command! Code Red! Blair the Alarms! The Horseman are on the move!"

Sirens rung across the field, flares across the sky, and panic spread throughout the trenches.

Death was walking towards there door.

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