chapter fifteen

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While we were walking out of the big hall we were laughing the whole time, I couldn't stop, everything was so unimaginably beautiful. But when we got to the start of a big hill I wasn't so happy anymore, he didn't expect me to walk down it in my high heels. When I stopped he just laughed, asked me what was wrong and when I gave him an answer he laughed even more. He ran towards me and then took me in his arms, just like the day he asked me about the ball. Like a princess. When I burst out laughing and screamed for him to let me down he still just laughed, of course he didn't let me down. So we walked down the whole hill, me in his arms, where I felt safe for some reason and him, who had been looking at me the whole time. Never in my life did I think I would ever experience a moment like this, it somehow feels like he really likes me and I have a good gut feeling about that. But somehow I feel a little sorry for Draco, I mean he was my first 'love', if you can even call it that, and he still loves me. Unfortunately, I know all too well what it's like to see a loved one with someone else. No, why do I feel sorry for him now, he's the one who ruined everything. He's the one who threw everything away, not me. So why do I still feel sorry for him? Maybe Huffelpuff would be the better house for me than Gryffindor, because I act like a little child who sees the good in everyone. But unfortunately not everyone has something good about them. I really should be more worried about other things than this bastard, because I still don't know what I want to do after this school or where I should live. Why are my thoughts so complicated right now, I don't understand it. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't just think about what's happening right now. I just can't.

"Why do you so look desperate?"

I was a little shocked by this question, I was really so lost in my thoughts that I didn't expect something like that. I quickly looked around, we were somewhere in the Forbidden Forest, he still had me in his arms and a thousand thoughts were running through my head again. What the hell are we doing in the Forbidden Forest? When I asked him that, he just answered with 'surprise', wow, really a great surprise in the forest. Unfortunately, I've only seen horror films set in forests, so I can't classify that as a positive surprise. But somehow I wasn't afraid, I felt so safe with him that I really wasn't afraid. Is that a good thing? I mean, I used to label him as a complete psychopath, I was literally afraid of him and now I'm suddenly saying that I feel safe with him? Does that even make sense? But when he finally let me down he gave me a warm smile and his eyes shone like never before, I could say I've never seen him so happy. While I stayed where I was, he kept going back, after a while he called me. I didn't know where we were, I don't like being so disorientated but I went to him. We had to go up a hill and when we got to the top I was speechless. There was a small lake, on the other side of the hill I noticed a small blanket with food and two pillows and before we went down he put his arm around my waist. I tried to hide my smile but it didn't work, how did he manage that? I started to run down the hill this time, but before I did that, I grabbed his hand, I didn't want to let go of him. When I got to the bottom I immediately examined the food, it was my favorite sweets and brownies, which I also loved very much, and we also had a bottle of iced tea, also my favorite flavor. Why are there only things here that I love, how did he know that? I wasn't able to ask the question and he answered as if he could read my thoughts. He had become friends with Nox and asked him to do it. I can't imagine that he really did that for me, as if I was important to him, as if he liked me. Draco has never done anything like that for me, not even once. But since I don't want to think about him, I immediately reached for a brownie. It was as delicious as it had ever been. When I finally looked at Mattheo again, I caught him looking at me with the most beautiful smile, his eyes still shining. I put the rest of the brownie in his mouth, while we were laughing I noticed how delicious it was, he agreed without hesitation.

"That's not the whole surprise." he said after a while.

My head was on his lap, he was stroking my hair the whole time as it had come up from dancing anyway. I was very confused, as if something else was adding to the surprise. I sat up straight again and didn't even have to ask him about it, because two Thestrals, probably with their child, flew into a flat area of ​​the lake. I opened my mouth because I was so speechless, how can it be that thestrals fly right here? The chance of seeing them is pretty slim, especially in an area like this. I looked at Mattheo in disbelief, he just stood up, took me by the hand and walked to the animals. He also took a bag with him with food packed for them. I gave one of them an apple, then I noticed something on his neck. It was a heart. Suddenly a tear ran down my cheeks, I couldn't hold it back any longer. The animal leaned its head against mine, I gave it another apple, Mattheo was busy with the others. Now I really couldn't hold back, it was getting harder and harder to fight back my tears. 'I miss you' then came out of my mouth, I know how stupid that may sound but I prefer to have that kind of idea in my head. Its Head laid against mine, now I could no longer fight my tears, without saying anything I went back to the blanket and cried. My face was covered, he mustn't see me crying, that will ruin everything.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 04 ⏰

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