chapter five

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For the first time, Draco and I stood at the front of the Great Hall, where Dumbledore always gives his speeches. As more and more people came in I became more and more nervous, I hated speaking in front of a lot of people. Draco knew that very well but I had to act like nothing happened. We talked all the time, better said he talked most of the time to calm me down which helped a lot. I don't want to know what most people thought, Scrambler and Malfoy at the front, laughing together and seeming to get along well.And we said that no one should know that we're "friends". When everyone sat down, Dumbledore was the first to speak, first introducing us both and then indicating that we had some big news to share. Okay now it was time for me to speak. The most important thing was that I act as if I wasn't afraid to speak in front of everyone. Just act confident I told myself the whole time. I curse Draco for not wanting to do this shit, he's the one with the big mouth. Dumbledore stood next to us, now it's time. It's showtime for me now. I took another deeper breath, but only I had noticed it and the others luckily didn't.

"Thanks Professor." was my first sentence.

Okay, that worked pretty well. Now just the rest, after half Draco takes over anyway. Just calm down, I can do it, I just know that. If not me, then who? Correct.

"Well, I can't wait any longer myself. The big news is that there will be a welcome ball this year." I said proudly.

I couldn't even continue talking because everyone, literally everyone, started cheering. They were happy, shouted around them and you could see people laughing again for a long time. Even the Slytherins were happy, which isn't often the case. After it was no longer quiet, Dumbledore shouted 'Quiet' throughout the hall. This man really has more control over so much students than some parents about their own children. I thanked him again with a smile and was finally able to continue speaking. This time I wasn't nervous, I was somehow happy.

"We had to think long and hard about what theme to choose, and we came to a perfect decision. Masquerade!" I then said a little louder.

Everyone started laughing and it felt really good to see them all happy, when I turned to Draco he had put on a typical masquerade mask. I had to laugh as much as they all did. Then Draco put the mask on me, he was amazed for some reason. He leaned in and whispered 'That looks hot' in my ear. Luckily my cheeks were covered because I could swear they just got redder than usual. This time I got people to quiet down, which I'm honestly really proud of.

"As our dear Draco has already shown, everyone should wear such masks."

I step back with a big grin, it made me happy to see everyone with excited faces. Finally the audition was over, now it's Draco's turn. Anyway, I'm surprised how I managed to speak in front of everyone for so long without fainting. I'm really making progress. I wouldn't have been able to do something like that before. Before Draco could say anything, he turned to me and said a quick 'Thank you, love', but he said it queitly so that no one else could hear that. I don't know why, but I suddenly had butterflies in my stomach. I have no idea how the boy always manages to trigger something like that in me. He has something that I will love forever.

"Before I say anything, I would like to give a big round of applause to our Celine, who thought the whole thing up in the first place."

No sooner said than done, everyone applauded as loudly as they could. I hit Draco on his upper arm and we both laughed. How many people must be confused about us probably is crazy but definitely funny too. I found it impressive how he could silence everyone with just one hand. He is really valued at Hogwarts and I'm practically just a little gray mouse next to him.

"Now for the dress code, you all have to dress elegantly and everyone has to have a mask with you, not just any mask but something like the one shown. If you don't do these two things you won't be allowed in. Seats will also be made and in one week we want to have groups of eight people this week. Have I forgotten anything?"

All the lies between us (Mattheo Riddle x Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now