chapter four

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I was woken up by my friends, more precisely by Hermione who was just about to wake me up. My eyes opened really hard, I looked at the clock and it was only seven o'clock. I tried to sit upright, but it was harder than I thought. Yesterday I came into the room later than expected because it was already midnight and Draco took me to the common room. I smiled at the memory of him apologising, as if he did really change. But only seven hours of sleep is really hard for me, I just know that this day can't be good. Hopefully no one noticed me as late as I arrived yesterday. I looked around, everyone was already dressed and ready to go except me. Luckily, Hermione laid out my clothes for the day so I quickly changed, put on a little make-up and combed my hair. It didn't take long and we were already in the common room where Harry and Ron were waiting for us. They asked what had taken so long, with a laugh Hermione told me how sleepy I was today and that she was so nice and let me sleep longer. I had to force myself to smile, but my thoughts were elsewhere the whole time. Or rather, with someone else. When I thought about it, I feel really uncomfortable seeing him today, especially after what happened yesterday. Just don't comment, that was one of the most important things I had to say to myself the whole time. As we walked to the Great Hall to have breakfast, which I thought would be the best part of today, Hermione asked me what yesterday was about. I hope she means Professor McGonagall and not my late return. After I told her what she expected from Draco and me, she was completely shocked and suddenly had a thousand ideas for me to not doing that. Obviously Harry and Ron agreed with every idea she had. 

"Guys, I want to do it, Malfoy and I have already made it clear that we will get along somehow."

As they continued to discuss, I grinned as discreetly as I could. What happened yesterday was one of the best things in recent memory. But how can I hate one person so much and somehow like them at the same time? Is that even possible? Luckily we made it to breakfast quickly, I was finally able to eat and no longer had to think about a certain person. Harry sat down next to me, unfortunately I chose a spot so that I had a perfect view to the Slytherin table. Well, I guess I was wrong with not thinking about a certain person. While we were eating, Draco, Mattheo and their whole group of friends came, of course they sat down so that Draco and I could look at each other perfectly. But he really took advantage of this opportunity. Normally that would make me nervous, but not today, not after my lack of sleep. 

"Well Celi, what do you think of the idea of ​​going to the Three Broomsticks after class today?" Harry asked.

He put his arm around me and looked at me with his pleading eyes, to which I just laughed. I just answered briefly with a 'of course', he was so happy that he had left his arm around me. I tried to look over at Draco inconspicuously; he had his elbows on the table and was covering his mouth with his hands. But when he leaned back briefly, I saw him running his tongue along his cheeks. Damn he's jealous. While I was looking at him the whole time Harry kissed me on my cheek, it came as a surprise and if I could I would stop it, like for real. Draco grinned and then stood up without saying anything. I know him better than anyone, I knew exactly that he was on his way to me. Not even a minute had passed and he was already behind me, what have I told you? I know exactly what he's going to do now, but yesterday I told him that we'll continue to ignore each other at school. Nobody is allowed to notice that we're actually friends, Hermione might kill me if she found out and also, no one would understand it. I felt Draco push Harry's arm away from my shoulder, then when I turned around I was level with his lower abdomen and had to crane my neck to look at him.

"Let's start with the project today, the lessons today aren't important anyway. I nodded with a smile, said a quick goodbye to my friends and without even noticing, Draco took my wrist. Is he crazy? Has he forgotten what we talked about yesterday? After we left the great hall he finally let go of me, without saying anything we went into an empty classroom. He has cast a spell so that no one can hear us from outside, to be honest I would now just go out, but it's not that easy. There's nothing easy between Draco and me. But what surprised me positively was that he didn't completely freak out like he used to do in the past, he remained calm like never before. Is that a good sign?

"I'm sorry I couldn't look at Potter and you any longer."

He sounded unsettled, another emotion you wouldn't expect from him. And he apologized. Something is wrong, something happened that he isn't telling me. It can't be that after the summer holidays he's suddenly so sweet and, above all, shows some kind of humanity. When I looked at him, I suddenly felt sorry for him, even though I wasn't supposed to, I felt sorry for him. I ran up to him and started hugging him, he was gentle and careful, unlike any other time I remember. I liked this Draco, who shows his feelings in a calm way, who is gentle, who has finally grown up. I smiled at him, it finally made me incredibly happy to be able to look into his eyes again, so close to everything. But then various thoughts came into my head. Will I even be able to give him a second chance? Can I trust him again? Does it even make sense to start a relationship even though I know full well that it will never work? I would love to forget all these thoughts and just live in the moment now. But maybe as a different person. What would have happened to us if I was in Slytherin? Sometimes at night I even imagined myself in Slytherin and our relationship being public, that was the most beautiful thought ever. That everyone knows we are together. Unfortunately, it's not always as easy as we imagine. Luckily Draco pulled me out of my thoughts, in fact we are now doing this stupid project for the ball. First we have to choose our theme for the whole party and I had a few ideas.

"To be honest, black and white is really bad, casino night, they could throw us out for that because I couldn't help but really play casino." Draco said, laughing.

In a way he's right, the Slytherins in particular would really play casino and black and white is just standard, a night in Paris too, you might think we're from that weird French school. I still remember how they tried everything to catch Dracos attention and I swear he kinda liked it. Stupid cunts. I kept thinking about it, I've watched so many films about it with my mother, I have to think of something now. It's just really difficult, but without a theme we can't even plan the hall. I remembered every movie I've ever seen, but something like Pool Party, you can only do that in American high school movies. I looked at Draco, he didn't even seem to think, he knew straight away why I was looking at him like that and said it would be my thing to think of something like that, since I'm 'highly creative'. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and then the best idea suddenly popped into my head.

"Masquerade!" I screamed happily.

Draco grinned and started nodding. We have it, or rather I do, but that doesn't really matter. We can finally get started, as I gave Draco a high five Professor McGonagall came in. If we have any problems now I'll kill Draco, he said he'd sorted everything out. Of course it wouldn't be anything new if he lied. But she just smiled when she read 'Masquerade' on a big piece of paper. She praised us for coming up with such a good idea, of course she didn't mean me because she must hate me in some way. Draco only likes her because he has good grades, so someone should tell me that teachers treat everyone the same. But the information she actually wanted to tell us completely threw me off guard, I didn't think that a piece of news would shock me as much as this one. We also have to prepare everything ourselves and decorate the hall? Oh hell no, that must be a bad joke, this woman can't be serious. And her statement 'Of course you'll get the money you need and you'll be helped' doesn't help either. When she finally walked out I just sighed and slid to the floor. You could say I'm pretty desperate I mean hello, we have to do all of this in two weeks. Draco cheered me up a little and we got straight to work so that we at least have a rough plan for decorating today. A long red carpet at the entrance to the large hall, tables with black tablecloths and gold plates and a large bouquet of roses on each table. Of course there are all black gold balloons and the large black frame as the background is for the pictures. Dress code becomes elegant and a mask, according to the theme. We also want to write down that feathers should be included.

"I would also say that everyone should invite a partner. That would make everything more interesting." I suggested.

Draco liked the idea, but it's also pretty genius. First we started working on the invitations that everyone will receive, but will also hang everywhere in Hogwarts. Draco suggested that we could tell everyone in the Great Hall, to be honest it wasn't my idea, but he's probably right. So everyone will at least have heard about it. We prepared our invitations, which turned out really cute, and asked Dumbledore if everyone could gather in the great hall. Normally I wouldn't do this because I'm shy as fuck but Draco doesn't need to know that. I have to be cool around him, like really cool. I don't want him to think about me as a loser. 

All the lies between us (Mattheo Riddle x Draco Malfoy)Where stories live. Discover now