chapter eleven

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We didn't have to wait long because Nox had already given us the food after a few minutes. Now Mattheo and I had to push the cart into the great hall, but with him it was even more fun than I thought. I guess I see him differently now than before, he's no longer the cold and unfeeling guy he always was to me, he's just a very special boy. You could even say that I'm really starting to like him, just as friends of course. While we were driving the cart with the food on it, I said that I would definitly visit him in the holdiays so that he would feel less alone. He smiled and even thanked me, which suddenly warmed my heart. Without noticing anything, we had already arrived in the great hall, we were laughing and everyone was amazed at how well we actually got along. Especially Harry and Ron. Everyone gathered at a large table where we were supposed to eat, Draco was quiet and looked at me with a stern look the whole time, as did Harry and Ron. I tried to ignore them, but it was pretty boring since half of them didn't even talk at all. After a short while Theo and I started talking about Umbridge, it turns out we both played really bad pranks on her and he doesn't seem to be as bad as I thought. We laughed the whole time, then Mattheo and Blaise started talking too. It was really funny, I thought for all these years that they were just some idiots, but I couldn't be more wrong. But then Harry ruined the whole mood for me.

"Ron and I have to go, are you coming with us?"

Everyone looked at me expectantly, now I kind of regret being the only girl here, if only Hermione had stayed here. Hopefully she had a good day with Pansy, if not she owes me something. I looked over at Draco briefly, he looked at me with an intense look, if I leave now he will run after me and beat Harry. Then I looked at Mattheo who just smiled really innocently. When I couldn't say anything, Theo simply answered for me.

"As you can see, she's busy and I guess she still has a few things to organize here."

I nodded and apologized, I just couldn't do anything else or say anything else. But Theo was also indirectly right, except that he didn't know anything about it. I wanted to stay here and perfect everything, maybe practice a little bit about how I'm going to behave. Anyway, he saved me from this situation and when they were both outside, Theo complained about how stiff they actually are. Let's put it this way, I wouldn't be too happy now if I had to organize something with people I don't like, for example with Astoria, I could never do something like that. But after they left I felt a little bad, I could offer them to stay here and talk a little bit more with them, but it's already too late. Somehow I was able to ignore it, we started talking again but then Draco didn't make it any easier. He apologized and said that he still had to meet someone, I wouldn't have thought more about it, if Theo wouldn't add that he was meeting a girl. I looked at him hopefully, somehow I thought he would say something about it, deny it but nothing came. He just turned around and left. I also tried to ignore it, really, like any other shit I tried to ignore it, but I just couldn't. I couldn't get rid of the thought that he was seeing another girl and the bad thing was that I couldn't let it show. Just laugh and pretend nothing happened. Theo and I then talked about Quidditch since he is the Slytherin Chaser and I am the Gryffindor Chaser. The next game will be really fun, but it will be interesting to see who actually makes the team this year. Harry and I do the playouts together and I know Ron wants to try it too, but if you ask me it will be a complete disaster. Mainly because he wants to play as a Guardian and if becomes one then we can't win any games this year. Not that I have anything against him but he just can't play Quidditch, he wasn't born for it, but how am I supposed to tell him that nicely? We'll just let him try it out and somehow he'll understand.

"I wonder how you can't be in Slytherin. I mean, if I talk to you like that, you'd fit in perfectly with our group." Theo said after a while.

I looked at him confused, no one had ever told me that before. Until now I actually thought that I really fit into Gryffindor, that it was the house for me, but now that I think back, I just asked the Hat to send me there. No, that can't be right, I'm in Gryffindor, what he said is just insane. I just laughed in response but then he spoke again.

All the lies between us (Mattheo Riddle x Draco Malfoy)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu