Chapter 2

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Monae laid in the bed of her cell as her cellmate stared at her. Monae tried her hardest not to go off on her but she had to say something.

"Girl, if you gonna say something say it. If not, take your bug ass eyes off of me", said Monae. "Shit weird."

"Monae right?", asked the girl.

Monae glanced at the girl.

"How you know my name?", asked Monae.

"My brother", said the girl.

Monae looked at the girl again but this time stared at her. "And who the fuck is your brother?", asked Monae with a nonchalant tone of voice.

" wanna know what's crazy?", the asked.

"Me", said Monae. "You'll see that if you don't leave me alone."

No. What's crazy is how much my brother cared about you and he was just some toy to you", said the girl.

Monae sat up and  faced the girl.

"Your brother is snake", said Monae.

"You mean was? Because you killed him right?", asked the girl.

"He's dead?", asked Monae. "Didn't know that. May he rest in peace. Poor thing."

"You're a bitch", said the girl as she stood up calmly.

"I know right", Monae said with a smile.

The girl walked to the bars of the cell.

"You don't realized that he's about to make your life a living hell and he ain't even alive anymore", said the girl.

Monae didn't say anything.

One of the guards comes to the cell and opens it. He walks the girl out of the cell.

"Man, fuck them and fuck the charges", said the lawyer. "I've already prepared myself for this type of situation. Don't worry about her. I keep telling you this. Worry about yourself right now."

Tyren leaned into his lawyer. "Man, nigga who the fuck you talking to? I might be handcuffed but nigga I'll have you handled", whispered Tyren.

The detective walks into the room and puts a thick folder on the table.

"Mr. Tyren Smith", said the detective. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Yea. You should be honored to be in my presence", said Tyren as he smirked and sat back.

"If I was you, I wouldn't be in such a good mood. I mean look at this big stack of papers.", said the detective. "This is all you. Everything we got on you."

"I ain't worried about that.", said Tyren.

"You should be. This is at the least 20 years", said the detective. "And yes, I said at least. Meaning it could be more."

"Or maybe none because I ain't do shit", said Tyren. "You know about me doing something?", asked Tyren as he looked at his lawyer.

"Nah man.", said the lawyer.

"See", said Tyren as he pointed to the lawyer and looked at the detective.

"You can keep playing this game but the judge will look at this and it's over. So if you don't wanna cooperate, you can just go back to your cell.", said the detective. "It's not like Monae didn't give enough information anyway."

"Man you tryna play mind games on me", said Tyren.

"Nah man. When it comes to a mother wanting her child back, she'll tell it all", said the detective.

"He's lying. I was in there with her. She didn't say anything", said the lawyer.

"Nah, this was before you came man. And yes I did remind her of her rights", said the detective.

Tyren looked at his lawyer, and his lawyer looked at Tyren.

"I'll have a guard come and get you once you're done talking to your lawyer.", said the detective with a smile.

The detective walks out of the room.

"You don't think she would say anything do you?", asked the lawyer.

They are whispering at this time.

"No", said Tyren.

"I mean he's right. When it comes to your kids you'll cross anybody", said the lawyer.

Tyren didn't say anything for a moment. "He's her miracle could be right, I could be wrong but...I'm going to take that bet and say I'm right.", said Tyren. "She wouldn't do that to me."

The lawyer taps his pen on the table and then writes something on a sticky note and slides it to Tyren.

Who do you think put the tip out?"

Tyren reads the note and slides it back to the lawyer and shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. But they better hope I don't find out", said Tyren. "But that's besides the point right now. You got that money for plan B."

"Yea", said the lawyer.

"Use it and don't take no for an answer", said Tyren. "Use a little persuasion on him."

"I'll try my best.", said the lawyer. "I'm going to head out."

"Alright. I'll see you", said Tyren.

The lawyer walks out of the room.

Tyren lays his head back.


The Godmother: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now