Chapter 1

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Monae is in the investigation room with the Feds. They were trying to ask her questions but she didn't answer them.

"So nothing?", asked the detective.

"Is my lawyer here yet?", asked Monae.

", not yet", said the detective.

"Then no. Nothing", said Monae.

"Gotta be something you wanna say", asked the detective.

"Let's be real, what do you really have on me?", asked Monae. "Nothing because I didn't do shit. You got me chained up like some animal while my baby is somewhere with strangers."

"How about your husband. What he do?", asked the detective.

"I know you didn't arrest me so you can get information out of me", said Monae. "Oh I'm going to sue the hell out of y'all."

"Oh we have evidence on you", said the detective.

"Bull", said Monae as she leaned into him across the table.

Meanwhile, with Tyren. Since the detective is with Monae, so he is alone with his lawyer.

"Look, Monae needs to go home to our son. I don't give a fuck how many years they give me. She didn't do shit, do you understand? And I doubt they have any evidence on her." asked Tyren. "My son is not going in the system and her record stays clean."

"I'm not worry about Monae right now. That's an easy not guilty for her. But you? We need to talk about your freedom right now because you looking at, at least 20 years.", said the lawyer. "You wanna miss 20 years of your son's life? The only time you wanna see him is on the other side of a glass window? What about Monae? Y'all just got married? You expect her to wait for you?"

"Monae is rider and as long as I get to see him and he gets to see me that's all that matters", said Tyren.

"Whatever man, I can come up with something to get you less time or no time depending on what they have on you. You just gotta cooperate", said the lawyer. "Don't think about Monae. Monae will be good. Think about you."

Tyren didn't say anything.

The lawyer stood up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go pay her a visit. I'll come back when the detective comes to you", he said before walking out of the room.

Tyren sat back in his chair and stared at the table.

"Come on man, let's just get to the point. This is all just a to scare her into giving you information that she doesn't have about her husband right?", asked the lawyer.

"No. We have evidence on her", said the detective.

"Of what?", asked the lawyer.

"Drug trafficking", said the detective. "Robbery"

"Where's the evidence?", asked the lawyer.

"That's what court is for", said the detective.

"So why we talking? What's her date for her bail hearing?", asked the lawyer.

"In about 3 weeks. On the 31st", said the detective.

"3 weeks. What about my child?", asked Monae.

"Should've thought about your child before you did something illegal", said the detective as he stood up. "Somebody will be with you shortly to take you to your cell."

The detective leaves.

"This shit is not happening right now.", said Monae.

"It's not the shock of it happening. It's about who let it happen. The only way they can have enough evidence to where it'll stick to get y'all in jail is if you got a rat", said the lawyer.

Monae shook her head. "The only person I feel like would do that is dead", said Monae.

"It's always somebody you least expect", said the lawyer.

Monae began to think to herself.

"...if I knew who it was, it wouldn't matter anyway", said Monae.

"It would because they could tell you what they have on you and Tyren and I can better prepare to get y'all out of here", said the lawyer.

Monae nods.

"I'll be back. I'm going to go with Tyren.", said the lawyer.

"Tell him I love him", said Monae.

"He loves you too. Im going to get you right. Trust me.", said the lawyer.

"Get him right too", said Monae.

"I will try my best. I cannot promise no jail time but I'll try my best", said the lawyer.

The lawyer walks out and Monae sighs.

"Shit", Monae mumbled


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