Chapter 17

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I wanted to call him back. I wanted to hear is voice for comfort. I squeezed my eyes shut and a tear escaped. I wanted this to all go away. This has to be a nightmare. Wake up, Pay. You need to way up. Its only a dream. I heard a loud bang coming from downstairs and my eyes shot open. They got in. I heard voices and I hurried and crawled under my bed. I heard the pounding of footsteps coming up the stairs and I waited for my bedroom door to be ripped from the hinges and for me to be dragged out, kicking and screaming. I clutched on to my phone and prayed for Waffle Nazi to hurry. I could hear the footsteps getting closer and when my bedroom door nob started twisting I held my breath. The door was slammed open and I heard voices, " This is her room. " He was Australian. I didn't want to get a look at their faces, they might see me.

"I know its her room but where is she?!" That voice made my heart beat quicken. It was Blake. He yelled at the Australian guy to look downstairs and I could see his feet walking across my room. He went over to my dresser, opened it up and threw everything on to the floor. What was he looking for?

He sighed in frustration and I saw that his feet were making its way towards me. I wanted to explode. I took a small breath of air as he was walking and when he stopped at the end of my bed I held on to my breath again.

"I know you are here. You cant hide for long." He laughed and then I heard running footsteps up the stairs.

He walked quickly over to the door to see what the commotion was.

"We searched everywhere. She isn't in here mate," The familiar voice said.

Blake sighed in annoyance and said, "Search the perimeter. She cant be far."

"Yes sir." He then ran back down the stairs and it was total silence. He didn't move from his spot. He just stood there. He walked over to my closet slowly and opened the doors. When he saw that nothing but clothes were in here he cursed and threw the clothes on the floor in frustration.

He then walked out of the room and I heard his footsteps get farther away. I heard the front door open and I sighed in relief but then my phone blasted throughout the whole house. I hurried and shut it off but footsteps were already running up the stairs. I heard him laugh when he was standing in my doorway.

"Come out come out where ever you are," He sang in a creepy voice.

I gulped and when he stopped walking towards my dresser he turned around and faced the bed. Oh no...

He walked and stopped at the side of my bed. I squeezed my eyes shut and then felt my self being dragged from under my bed by my feet. I screamed and flung my hands out to grab something to keep myself from being dragged.

I was out from under my bed and I started kicking my feet. He then let go and the next thing I know I am being pinned down and he is putting tape over my mouth. I screamed but it was muffled and he grinned and moved closer to my ear, " I finally have you."

More tears were coming out of my eyes and he stood me up from the ground. I felt sick. This cant be happening.

Right when we were about go down the stairs someone punched Blake in the face and his hold on me loosened. That instantly made me run away from him. Someone grabbed my arm and I screamed but when I looked over and saw who it was I started crying in relief. He took off the tape from my mouth and I clung myself to him. I looked over and saw Waffle Nazi punching in Blakes face. He looked over to me and gave me a sympathetic look  but I looked back down to Blake and saw he was getting a gun from out from the back of his pants. My eyes widened and was about to warn Waffle Nazi but it was to late. The gun was already pointed at him. He backed off and Blake wiped blood from his lip and said, " Give her to me and this can all be over."

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