Chapter 13

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* *Austins ( WAFFLE NAZI ) POV * *

I could hear her soft breaths as she sleeps.  I don't know why I came up here, but I am glad I did. The way she hugs my side is soothing, almost relaxing. I don't think I can be relaxed with what went down with Gabe. What happened with Gabe wasn't supposed to happen. We found a lead and we went to his club. He is a rich man, owns most clubs in the area. He was inherited all of his fathers money and used it for the wrong reasons. We went to one of his clubs to see what he knew, maybe ask him some questions.

*** Flashback ***

The loud music did nothing to my ears; I was used to it. When we entered the club lights were flashing, music was blasting through the speakers and on one side of the club were the guys doing drugs and on the other side were drunk people grinding against each other. It was two stories tall and only had one set of stairs, which were right next to the blue and purple neon lit bar. Looking above the bar, and where the stairs led, was a room. It was made out of windows but you couldn't see through them.

I gave a Tyler a look towards the windowed room and he only glances and nods his head. Gabe catches on and he motions towards the bar. I then understand what he is thinking and we head over towards the bar. We all sit down in a fancy white leathered bar stool and the guy behind the counter comes over. Right when he comes over one guy comes up from behind us. He is dressed in all black, but you can still take notice of the gun he that is in his black dress coat.  He looks at us with no emotion, and says, "Come with me."

He looks up and that's when I understand. He knows we are here. I look at Gabe, and Tyler and notice that they are waiting for me to take action. I look back at the man and nod my head." Lead the way," I say. He doesn't even nod his head, he just moves towards the set of stairs. While walking up the stairs the music numbs my ears. I don't know what is going to happen. We walk through a door way and I notice a man In a tuxedo facing the window. He doesn't even look over at us. He just stares out the window.

I take notice of his features. His brown hair is gelled back, his crystal blue eyes trace people outside of the wall like window and the smirk on his lips lets us know he notices us.

He looks over at us and his smirk gets bigger," Sit."

I hesitate, but end up sitting in a chair. I look over at Tyler and Gabe and I take notice that Gabe looks ready to attack. Almost like a lion ready to pounce on his prey. He does obey, he sits on a couch next to Tyler.

"Hello, boys. It's nice to see you in person. Do you want a drink?"  A lady with barley any clothes on comes and places a bottle of whisky and four glasses in front of us. I deny the drink and she walks away.

"So why don't we get down to business, shall we?" He asks. He doesn't give me enough time to respond and says," I would love it if you would stay out of  my way."

"Why would we do that? You have information we need." I say.

"I am not apart of this. I don't have time to be apart of something so foolish " He spits.

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