Chapter 10

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They all left about an hour ago and I am washing dishes. We ended up watching The Avengers, but I wasn't really paying attention to it. I know, I know... I should stop thinking about Waffle Nazi but I just cant! I dont even understand. That stupid kiss, stupid Brittany, and stupid Waffle Nazi. He just had to kiss her back!
What about Chad!? Does he not care that Brittany was sucking faces with someone else? He deserves better than Brittany. She will most likely screw with his brain. Chad needs someone that will care for him, not use him. Okay, now I am acting like I still have feelings for him. Maybe I do. I dont know. I sigh in frustration. I just leave the dishes in the sink and head upstairs to bed.

When I get to my door, I notice its open but I dont remember leaving it open. Maybe I am loosing my mind. Who knows? I walk in and take out a pair of pyjamas that have slices of pizza on them. I strip down and put them on. Then I walk to my one and only love, my bed. I lay down and rest my head on my pillow. Just when my eyes refuse to stay open I hear a soft click and maybe, just maybe someone stroking my hand.
But it was to late, I was already asleep. Already taken in a world of dreams.


I wake up with sweat all over me. I take in deep breaths to calm my breathing and get up from my bed into my bathroom. I wash my face with cold water and look into the mirror, oh I look fabulous. I have the new trend going on: red eyes, with a sweaty red face to match and drool on the side of my cheek. I walk back in my room and realize its dark outside. I find my phone under my pillow and it says its only one in the morning. Wow, I got like no sleep whats so ever and now im wide awake.

I sigh and walk downstairs to get a snack. I open the fridge and I see some jelly. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich sounds good. I walk to the spices cubourd and pull out some peanut butter and grab a loaf of bread noticing its almost gone. I should've got some at the store yesterday! Ugh... now I have to go again. I hate shopping for groceries. Its so boring. I get a sticky note and write down bread. That will be the beginning of my new list. Now watch me find nothing edible to eat for dinner tonight. I open the fridge to put the jelly back and my conclusion was correct. My fridge was almost empty.

I grab my sticky note and write down everything. Today will be so fun! That was sarcasm and lots of it. So far my day has been terrible! Waking up at one, having a bad dream- oh yeah, I had a bad dream about what happened at the store yesterday. Why? I have no clue! Its bugging the butt out of me!

What's worse is that I have to go back to that same store today. This day is gonna be a bad day.


My eyes hurt so bad! I have been watching tv sence one thirty and now its seven in the morning. I grab my phone and call Hannah.

She picks up on the third ring.

"Hello?" She doesn't sound tired because she is a morning person. I would be a morning person but I love sleep to much.

"Hey!" I say through the phone.

"Oh my gosh. Your actually up before noon!? Wow! We need to celebrate!" She laughs.

I laugh with her. Hopefully my best friend can make this day awesome and not poopy. "Do you want to hang out today? I have to go to the store but after that we can hang out or something"

"Yes! That sounds fun! We can celebrate! Plus, I feel like we haven't hanged out in forever! "

I laugh and agree.

"Okay, I will be over in ten" She says and then hangs up.

I turn the tv off and head up stairs. I open my closet and look through all of my clothes. After a while of deciding I went for my navy blue shorts with a beatles T-shirt. I grab some flats and some sunglasses and run down stairs, but half way down I rememberI forgot about my purse. I turn around right as Hannah walks through the door. She sees me turning around and I say," wait one second. I forgot my purse"

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