Shaz & Her Boys

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"Mom! If you brush my hair more my head will bleed!" Oliver groans and stamps his foot as he glares at her through the bathroom mirror. "Just hold still. Why is this piece not staying down?" Sharon groans trying to push the hair on the back of Oliver's hair down - it pops up straight away.



"What's going on in here?" Jon asks sticking his head into the bathroom. "Oh, good. I need your help. Help me with this child's hair," she says combing through it again. Jon's eyebrow pulls up and then he steps into the bathroom and pushes Sharon aside gently before he places his hand on top of Oliver's head and ruffles his hair, undoing all Sharon's careful work. "Jon!" she shouts. "Hush now woman," he warns her then looks at Oliver. "Go help your brother with his shoes and take that bowtie off," he says. "Thanks, Dad," Oliver sighs in relief as he rips the bowtie off and dashes out.

"Jon! I swear if I had a knife in here it would be in your fucking eye! I worked on him all afternoon and don't even get me started on how difficult Aaron was. You have been at work all day and have not done a thing to help me! You piss me the fuck off! You are never around when I need you! I should leave your ass and then we will see you if you act so fucking smug!" she screams, getting madder by the second as Jon simply turns to face her then leans casually on the bathroom sink with his arms folded as he watches her.

"You done?"

"No! You are an asshole and a dick! You are a big fat dick!"

"You done now?"


"Alright then. You wanna explain why both my sons look like serial killers with bowties and slicked-back hair? I would also appreciate an explanation as to why I received forty-five missed calls from you today while I was in court and why my secretary was crying when I got back to the office. While we are at it - why is there a tuxedo splayed out on my side of the bed?"

"Umm. No. I would rather not explain any of that."

"Ok. Let's break it down. Why was my sectary crying when I got back to the office?"

"I may or may not have threatened to kill her cat."

"Mhmmm. The forty-five missed phone calls?"

"Austin phoned. He wants us to come for dinner tonight. I will admit now that I perhaps, maybe, could have freaked out a little."

"I am surprised you didn't show up at court..."

"I did...your sectary was dropping files at court and would not tell me which courtroom you were in."

"Hence the death threats to her cat..."

"Well she got in the"

"The tuxedo?"

"I want Cleo to see I married a stud. You look studdish in a tux."

"And the serial killers?"

"I want her to see I raised polite well-mannered boys."

"You have raised heathens."

"Jon! Damit! Every decision I made was with Cleo. Every aspect of my life was tied up in her. She loved me and looked after me, I was such a mess and she would worry about me all the time. Rightfully so. I want her to see that I did OK. It was so fucking hard without her, but I fucking held it together and I made something out of my life. I want her to see that. I want her to see I turned out OK. I want her to be proud of me and the family we made."

Jon smirks at her then leans forward, grabbing her hands and pulling her into him." You are a mess of a woman, Shaz. Every morning you miss your alarm and run around like a crazy woman trying to get everything ready for the boy's day while we stand by the front door, dressed and ready, just watching you. You have been kicked out of the PTA and the bake sale committee. You have a big mouth and once almost got me disbarred. You also threaten to murder me at least once a week. are the best fucking wife and if I was ever in a knife fight I would hide behind you - you have my back. You are also the best fucking mother I have ever seen. Those boys want for nothing and wake up every day in a happy home that you break your back creating. We don't have to get into your loyalty when it comes to friendships - both Austin and Cleo could never and will never replace you. Cleo will see all that within seconds of meeting us. She will love your boys because they are reflections of you and quite frankly amazing beautiful boys. She will love me too because she will see how hopelessly in love with you I am."

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