MD Vampire AU Part 24

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V put one hand on her hip and almost let an amused smile slip, but held it down- Thad was going to have to work harder if he wanted to see the 'masterpiece' as he called it.

Feeling his legs weaken from his injuries, Thad stumbled, almost falling on his face. V rushed forward to try and support him, but he steadied himself alone, leaving V simply holding his shoulders for not much reason.

V was taller than Thad by quite a bit, but because of her leaning down to grab him their faces were aligned, making the two look each other in the eyes.

Both of them blushed, but neither moved, V felt a familiar hunger in her chest while Thad experienced the craving for the first time. "Okay Thad..this is gonna sound stupid, but I really need to kiss you or else I'll probably shove you against the floor" V admitted, it was embarrassing to say- but she had to get it out.

"Oh uh- sure! We are soulmates after all" Thad nervously agreed, he'd done stuff before, and was pretty confident normally- but V was so straightforward and bold- it scared him.

With the okay, V leaned into Thad and planted a soft peck on his lips, it wasn't insanely passionate or romantic. It was just a pleasant kiss. A pleasant kiss that was alarmingly filling for both parties, V had always needed so much to be satisfied, but just a peck from Thad seemed to be enough.

Speaking of Thad, he was trying not to pass out, whatever this soulmate thing was- he liked it. He liked it a lot. V was amazing. She looked amazing.

How the heck did I get her as a soulmate?

V heard his thoughts again and stood up straight, she still refused to smile for him, but instead took his hand and led him to the room marked 'Junior'.

What is she....

Once V had led Thad into his room, she scanned it up and down, it was decorated with sports posters and what she assumed was old sports kit. His bed was covered in a red duvet which matched the red of 90% of his decor.

"Oh uh...a lot of sports use red's kinda a theme in here" Thad nervously said, wondering what V was thinking.

Pretty nice in here, that big bed should be useful.


Thad had forgotten that the 'reading minds' thing went both ways...he had heard V's compliment of his decoration...and her approval of the bed..

"Hey Thad, what sport is your favourite?" V asked, walking around the room admiring the posters.

The human smiled anxiously "Uhhh probably football- or maybe basketball- those are both pretty cool".

V kept her head away from Thad, she didn't want him to see the smile she already had plastered on her face, why was he making her feel so good? It hadn't even been a day.

Guess that's what a soulmate is for.

Damn right it is.

Gasping a bit, V turned and saw Thad leaning confidently on his bedroom door, seemingly unbothered by his injuries now. "Yeah I figured out the mind reading thing" He chirped, sounding braver than he felt.

Still attempting to resist a smile, V just grabbed Thad's arm and pulled him onto his bed, adjusting him to basically be lying on her lap. He blushed, but remained calm, looking up at V's stoic face.

"I ate a bunch today...why am I so hungry?" He asked, looking at V as the hunger got worse and worse.

V snickered "When vampires meet their soulmate, they start craving them, it works the same both ways- so you're technically not hungry for food- you're hungry for me~".

Thad blushed brighter, the snicker had barely formed a smile, so Thad was still yet to see that- but V was plenty attractive when teasing. Very attractive actually.

Biting back his fear, Thad sat up straighter in V's lap and planted a firm kiss on her neck, V was shocked by the boldness but couldn't deny how good it felt. Seems Thad was quick to accept his fate, and even quicker to begin feeding of her, she couldn't let him handle this alone of course however~

Grinning, V twisted her own head round to reach Thad's neck, which she kissed aggressively- allowing her fangs to drag & almost pierce him. They both groaned and Thad had to try his best to hold everything in.

He failed.

"Um...Thad...look down" V instructed, no longer slobbering on Thad's neck.

Thad of course already knew, and sighed, he had been trying so hard not to give in. "Sorry V...It's been a while since I've had a girlfriend so I guess I'm unprepared" Thad genuinely seemed upset by his unpredicted erection, he hoped this didn't make V rethink the soulmate thing.

V couldn't help but pity Thad's embarrassed face, so she gently kissed his forehead and tipped his head up, it was almost cute how afraid he was. "For the record you can't easily switch soulmates, you can reject them but I wouldn't do that over a sudden boner, I just wasn't expecting for you to get one so soon" she explained, voice sweeter than usual.

"How could I not get one that quick?! You're practically a goddess you're so hot!" Thad blurted out, still embarrassed by the situation.

V blushed at the compliment, and was tempted to ignore it, but she couldn't help but let a small smile appear on her face. It had been a while since she was complimented so brightly, better yet she could read Thad's mind, so she knew it was true.

Thad watched the smile come and fall on V's face, and felt his own break into a grin, he was right. V's smile really did make her look like a masterpiece.

If I get hard more often will she smile again...?

"Still can read your mind Thad- don't get too many ideas"

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