Guardian Angel isnt ending- but...

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Okay people got pretty upset at my comment about maybe ending the GA series after Part 11. It's been like 2-3 days (at the time of writing) since I've posted it and a lot of my returning readers have already freaked out-

-Or made doxing/sickness remarks which aren't really fair reactions but the internet is gonna internet I guess. (Yes I know these are likely jokes).

I wanna assure people that I'm not ending guardian Angel, it's one of 2 long form stories sharing this book and is pretty popular nowadays, even maybe as popular as the vampire one- or more popular it's kind of hard to tell.

I've got exams coming up, pretty important ones so chapters will likely slow down anyway, but Guardian Angel is a story I've got a timeline planned out for- in the sense that I know how it will end & when.

My plan is to spread out chapters a bit more- right now I'm pumping out one at least every few days and it does take a solid chunk of my free time, I love doing it and shouldn't slow down too much, but Guardian Angel is going on a break.

Why is Guardian Angel going on a break over the others stories? Because it has a plot I can go back to, it's safe so even if I change my ideas for oneshots or lose motivation in certain areas, it should survive. Vampire has also already had a break in the past & it also ended on quite a cliffhanger then so it's a pattern.

Expect chapters to slow down a bit and Guardian Angel to go on break, it shouldn't be more than a month and Vampire will be continuing at a similar pace, but all stories will probably stop being every other day.

Thanks for understanding, exam time is stressful but I do genuinely enjoy writing this book and will keep working on it, plus seeing so many familiar people in the comment section is really motivating me to keep writing.

Thanks again for getting it, hopefully I can keep up some sort of speed over exam season (:

-Wizzy <3

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