Meet the parents (Nuzi)

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Request by: alexdaisy8

"I don't get it, I've already met Mr and Mrs Uzi, why do I need to be formally introduced to them?" N asked, genuinely confused about why Uzi seemed so nervous. The two of them had been invited to spend the evening at the Doorman apartment that day, with Uzi's parents wanting to formally 'get to know' N, since he and Uzi had recently become official.

Uzi was pacing around the pod, desperately trying to come up a plan to help tonight go well, Nori didn't seem to like N and Khan was somewhat neutral but nowhere near friendly. "We're screwed if this goes bad N!" Uzi yelled, tears appearing on her visor as she glared up at N.

Her tall boyfriend smiled softly and used his tail to pull her into his chest. "Uzi, I promise to be on my best behaviour, and I'll wear whatever you think Khan and Nori would like- anything to make this easier on you" N offered, gently tipping Uzi's head up towards his.

The small worker went completely purple, god damn why was her boyfriend so adorable? And so good about everything... her parents better approve of him. If not- she'd just elope and run away to the woods with him...actually that was a good idea-

"I know that face- we're not running away to the woods Uzi" N teased, leaning down to gently kiss Uzi's forehead, making his small girlfriend grumble about how much easier it would be.

Eventually Uzi decided the best bet would be for her and N to dress 'casual but nice', meaning she'd wear a casual dark purple dress while N could wear a grey button up polo and neat black trousers. "I think you should take off the hat N- I don't think my mum would like it" Uzi cautioned, she loved N in his hat even more than he did, but didn't want Nori reminded N was a disassembly drone.

N looked slightly defeated at the idea of taking off his hat, but remembered he promised to do as Uzi instructed tonight, reluctantly removing his cap and adjusting his manic locks.

"Thank you" Uzi softly replied, leaning up to kiss N's cheek gently, making N snicker slightly while his tail wagged. His hat was a small prize to pay for Uzi's kisses.

Next Uzi prepared N with questions- typical parent style ones- focusing on the ones relating to safety and consent. She knew her dad was worried about N being unsafe for her and potential future grandchildren, while Nori was worried N would have no concept of boundaries due to being a 'monster'.

At first N answered the questions in his typical innocent way, not really sure why Uzi seemed embarrassed and serious when talking about this stuff, but eventually he caught on and started answering maturely. Uzi actually started blushing as N spoke seriously about how much he wanted to protect and care for her, sounding as if he was asking for Khan's permission to marry her more than anything else. He also somehow managed to craft a perfect answer to the 'would you still love Uzi if she was a worm?' question.

Honestly all boyfriends could learn something from N...he had tonight in the bag. At least he would as long as Nori played fair, Uzi knew her mum could scheme and manipulate with ease, she was definitely the biggest threat tonight. Khan was just a warm up in comparison to his wife.

Finally N was deemed fit to visit the Mr and Mrs Doorman, clutching Uzi's hand as they nervously walked into the bunker towards her house. Uzi stayed over at N's a lot nowadays since school finished and her parents were kinda overwhelming when together. She and her parent's relationship had improved, but there was no denying Uzi's main source of happiness was still definitely N.

Murder Drones Oneshots (mostly Nuzi)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora