You showed me what i couldn't see

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Liz knew her life wasn't like other people', not even close.

Growing up, it was all about running and hiding for her parents, trying to stay away from something, and Liz couldn't understand. She pieced together bits of their secrets from whispers and worried looks.

But when she was six, everything fell apart. Hunters caught up with her parents, and Liz saw them take her parents lives. They were gone, just like that.

After that, Liz was practically thrown in to an orphanage. Luckily, she found friends there, their names were Gaeul, Sakura, Mark, and Felix. They did what any other group of kids would do, they played around with toys and have fun.

One day, this guy named Cha Eunwoo showed up. Liz felt something off about him, he carried around an aura that was filled with mischief.

As Eunwoo delved into the lives of the children, Liz felt the knot of unease tighten in her stomach. The receptionist didn't hesitate to answer his questions, pointing out Liz's group without skipping a beat.

Eunwoo's grin stretched wider as he chatted up the receptionist. His words sounded sweet, but Liz sensed a hidden threat behind them as he dug for more details, his eyes lingering on the unsuspecting kids like he was calculating up their worth for whatever he had in mind.

Eunwoo eventually nods, accepting the papers with a predatory smile that seemed etched onto his features, sending a shiver down Liz's spine. Despite her lack of familiarity with him, she couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that he different intentions.

"How do you think this man is gonna be like?" Gaeul asks, her voice tinged with curiosity, her eyes scanning Eunwoo with cautious interest.

"He's looks super cool! Maybe he can be like a secret agent," Mark piped up, his voice filled with enthusiasm, his gaze fixed on Eunwoo as if he were a character straight out of a spy novel. Liz's heart sank at Mark's words.

"No, Mark! Don't be stupid!" Gaeul scolded sending a hit too his head, though her tone held a hint of uncertainty as she shot Liz a reassuring smile.

"Hey Liz, don't worry. We'll be in this together. He won't be like your old parents, okay?" Sakura murmured softly, her eyes showing a mixture of concern and determination.

Despite her friends' attempts at reassurance, Liz couldn't shake the lingering sense of apprehension that gripped her heart, her mind still ran around with doubts and fears. Instead she smiles and nods nervously.

No, he won't be like her old parents. He would be worse.

As they approached Eunwoo, Liz summoned all her strength to conceal her fear behind a happy facade. This encounter marked a changing point in their lives, one fraught with uncertainty and dread.

Following Eunwoo to his waiting van, the children climbed aboard without question, their youthful chatter filling the air with a false sense of security. As they journeyed onward, their conversations danced with anticipation, buoyed by the assumption that they were headed to a new home.

Felix, ever the bold one, voiced his concerns with a deep voice tinged with apprehension. "Hey mister, where are you taking us?" he inquired, as they all board off entering the building.

Liz watched the exchange with a mixture of curiosity and unease, her gaze fixed on Eunwoo as he responded with a disarming smile. "I'm taking you somewhere fun! Don't worry," he reassured them, his words carrying an unsettling blend of comfort and ambiguity.

Despite her misgivings, Liz forced a smile in response, allowing herself to be led into a room at Eunwoo's direction. They came to a halt at a door. Eunwoo pushed it open, revealing a grey room adorned only by the presence of an elevator standing in the center.

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