chapter 3

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outfit at top tell me what you think.

hope you like this chapter tell me if you don't its fine if not.

please leave a comment and vote that way I'll now it i should keep writing more chapter.

of there good girl.

again hope you like this.

Its, been 2 weeks since the nightmares stopped I slept for a week strate not getting out of bed my body needed the sleep I felt better more happy I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a long hot shower that I needed I shaved then washed my heir and body once that was done I rapped my towel over me and headed back to my room I turned on my record and played blonde call me it was just me at home so I could blast in out I danced around my room in my towel then dryad my heir and found some clean underwear and a bra once that was done I got dressed I decided to were my of the shoulders white summer dress and some sandals along with my jean jacket after I got dressed I made my way down stars and had a coffee and a fruit salad and ate my food I looked out the window and sough the sun going down that's when I decided to go to the borderwalk as It was a cool night and I had stopped going because of the nightmares but now they were gone I felt better and good.

when I got to the borderwalk I could not help but smile the borderwalk was the best thing about living in Santa Carla doing the day it was les lively but at night It was amazing there was so much life and joy in the air it was a fun place there was mucie children were giggling and running around teens were all having fun but blossom could not help but frowned at them there smiles there laughter they looked like they were having a good time blossom ran her fingers throw her long heir as she stood looking at all the teens having fun growing up blossom had never had friends and she had a stutter so that did not help but even 15 years later she felt utterly alone she had no one no friends no boyfriend nothing she only had her self she walked down the borderwalk with a sad expression but she thought who needs friends when you have your self so with that she held her head up high and went to get a drink she stopped at a stand and ordered a ice coffee with crème after wating she gave the man the money and found a spot near four motorbike's she sat down on the bench and sat up strate and sipped her coffee with elegance she hummed and closed her eyes and watched the people around the borderwalk with a all too sweet smile and doll eyes.

she happily drank her drink and played with her long shinny strawberry blond heir she looked up and found it was getting rather late but she looked up and smiled she loved watching the stars she noticed people were walking out the borderwalk the mucie came to a stop the rids stopped and all the teenagers were looking around with fear and uneasiness boys held there girlfriends close to them and girlfriends held on to there boyfriends sides with worry expressions after all the people left it was just blossom on her own near four bikes and her second iced coffee which was still cold as she drank it she started humming a rather eerie tune that made some people look around at her with wild eyes they were shocked that someone as small as blossom was out at this time of the night without no fear and humming a sick-spin-chilling-tune with sough a butifule face and alluring eyes they slowly walked away form her and hopped that she would not be another missing person down by the pear blossom continued to hum that was until she felt someone touch her side and sat down on the bench with her she looked at the man with a suspicious look but sighed and continued humming the old tune with sough grace and elegance.

come little children said the mad as he smirked at her and reached behind his ear a light a cigarette whilst never leaving his Icey blue eyes form her light green ones.

what do you mean sir said blossom as she sipped her iced coffee and placed her other hand on her lap whilst smiling.

the tune your humming its come little children its rather an old hum I'm sepriced it does not creep you out smirked David as he blow out a large puff of smoke away form blossom.

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