Chapter 29- Legends

Start from the beginning

His intention was clearly to grab me and prevent my fall, but I had gained a tad bit of momentum on the first three steps and ended up pulling Ethan with me.

My entire body erupted in warmth when he wrapped his huge frame around me mid- tumble and we rolled repeatedly until we reached the bottom of the staircase.

We just laid there in silence for a moment before simultaneously realizing that the fall was over and taking a deep sigh of relief. Ethan separated from me and groaned as he mirrored my pose and starfished on the ground.

I was pretty sure I should be in pain, but aside from the reoccurrence of the pain in my back, and a small ache in my head, I was okay.

"Why do I get the odd feeling that that won't be the last time you do this?" Ethan sighed as he turned his head to look at me.

"Wasn't the first and won't be the last".

"Wasn't the first?" he questioned me, his eyebrows crinkling in confusion.

"Don't worry about it Grumps" I teased as I rolled onto my stomach, ignoring the pain in my ribs, and scrambled to my feet. "Come on Gibson, we gotta go, the mission is waiting."

"I don't wanna get uppp" he whined, making a point to spread out even further on the floor.

"Come onnn" I begged, grabbing onto his arm and trying to pull him by his sweatshirt. That technique only managed to rip Ethan's sweatshirt.

"Shit! I'm so sorry." I gasped as I gaped the single sweatshirt sleeve clutched in my palm.

"Eh, I don't really like this sweatshirt anyway" he said calmly, still not moving off of the ground as he pulled the rest off of him and tossed it to the side.

"You're not wearing anything under your sweatshirt?" I questioned, as I tried not to stare at his now bare chest.

"Are you?"

I flushed red at that as I remembered that I was definitely not.

"Called it".

"Screw you" I laughed as I grabbed back onto his arm, grabbing higher up to his bicep this time, partially to get a better grip and partially because I just wanted to touch him, and attempted to drag him again.

I failed.

I was fairly strong, but at 4' 11 I didn't compare to Ethan, who was way over a foot taller than me and probably had 100 pounds on me.

I tried anyway.

I pulled his arm with my full force, and miraculously pulled Ethan an inch across the foyer as his bare skin slid across the luxuriously tiled floors and my pink socks slid around dangerously.

Ethan seemed amused by my efforts, and just smirked at me as I slowly pulled him inch by inch toward the kitchen, hoping to recruit help.

I had made it about three inches in the direction when I went in for another pull. Rather than moving, Ethan yanked my arm gently, using almost no effort at all, and I flew forward onto his body.

I landed face first in Ethan's crotch, unfortunately face planting on his parts.

Clearly alarmed by the consequences of his plan, Ethan groaned in pain and gripped onto my waist, lifting me upwards and turning me around so my face was near his instead.

Embarrassed and flushed, I tucked my face into the crevice between Ethan's shoulder and head, nuzzling my face as far in as I could.

Ethan just laughed.

really hard

not the only thing that's hard


oh god oh god oh god

He lifted his hand and rubbed my back soothingly as his laughs vibrated against my chest.

"That was so your fault" I accused, my voice muffled by his neck.

"I forgot you were so small" he laughed, "I didn't expect you to fly like that"

"What the fuck!" Joey suddenly cried from behind me, causing me to jump, but not enough to pull my face from Ethan's neck. I was far too embarrassed to do that, considering my cheeks were redder than raspberries.

"I mean, good for you Eth' damn" Gibsie sighed, before walking towards the front door, "I'll see you in the car Lynchy" he quipped at my brother before slipping outside.

I finally pulled my head out, now thoroughly enthralled by the current situation.

"Your leaving?" I questioned, turning my head to address my brother, but not moving my body from Ethan's. I didn't say we, because nothing could pull me out of this house right now.

"Yeah, Mam is in the hospital, I need to go get her."

oh shit

Mam and my father had had a huge disagreement the week prior, which resulted in us being left home alone for a week and a half without any food or money, hence Aoife's random guilt groceries. I hadn't even considered the fact they my father may have hurt her. She was currently heavily pregnant, and despite the fact that the baby she was carrying was sure to be yet another burden on mine and Joey's backs, I was fully willing to raise it.

"Did she..." I hesitated, too afraid to ask what I wanted to.

"Yeah, she did" Joey finished, sighing heavily as my gut dropped at the realization that my mother had lost the baby. "I'm going to town to visit her, but I need you to stay here to keep an eye on Shan."

"Did Johnny say that's okay?" I questioned, concerned about overstaying our welcome.

"Didn't give him a choice, sorry Marc, gotta go", he rambled, before slipping out of the front door and closing it behind him.

Moments later, I heard the faint start up of a familiar red Opal Corsa.

And then he was gone.


Authors Note

ik ik IK your probably like ughhh the author made her 4'11 like a little itty bitty pick me bitch, but YALL I AM 4'11. IK that's NOT normal, but tbh... marci is pretty based off of me so... i'm sorry but suck it up. Anyhow, i'm doing pretty well as of this week, laid my friend to rest yesterday and visited his parents afterwards. may he rest in peace 💗.

shout out to Olivia863842

ily all!! (you are loved so so so much!) 💋

-Kat 🙃

WC- 2129

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