Standing On Opposite Sides Of The Gorge

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Wednesday, Sep. 18

"Ah, Harry my boy, it is good to see you up and about. How do you feel?" Albus asked, watching the brunet closely as he walked into the Headmaster's office. "I must say you had us worried there for a moment, but I take it that everything is fine?" he added, almost giddy with glee to finally have Harry to himself, with no meddling Malfoys around.

Harry watched Dumbledore coolly, trying almost desperately to understand how a man who acted as if he cared about his students in reality could be so callous. "I am fine, sir. Professor Snape's potions are truly remarkable," Harry said calmly, keeping his inner turmoil well hidden.

Next to him, hidden by his Veela powers, was Draco, who had no problems allowing his growing hatred for the old man to show on his face. Harry could only hope that the Headmaster wouldn't say or do something that would set the blond off. Especially since Draco was Harry's secret weapon. He still hadn't managed to learn Occlumency - not that he'd really had time to learn it, but he had begun to meditate every night so it was a lot easier these days to clear his mind. Draco didn't know the art either; however he did have the ability to shield his mate from intrusive scans. But only if he knew it was coming, and if he was able to properly focus his energies on his mate, which was why he was standing next to Harry, invisible, while his mate went toe to toe with the manipulative, old wizard.

"Yes, they are. That boy is a true genius when it comes to his beloved Potions," Albus said, a fond smile on his face. "So, what matters did you wish to discuss? I must say I find it a bit surprising that you have come here to see me, considering that you have all but avoided me the entire semester." Dumbledore gave his most troublesome student a reproachful look.

Harry managed with some difficulty not to roll his eyes. "Sir, Professor Snape told me that no actions are going to be made against Parkinson. I would like to know why not. She did, after all, cast the Cruciatus Curse on me. You witnessed it yourself. Hell, the entire school witnessed it!" Harry snapped, giving the Headmaster a hard look, challenging him to try and weasel out of that statement.

"Harry..." Albus sighed and removed his glasses. Conjuring a rag he began to studiously polish the glasses, giving the youth what looked like a brief glance. In reality he was trying to see the boy's memories in an attempt to discern where Harry was standing theses days, and how much he had been swayed by the Malfoys.

To his utter shock he couldn't get in. Considering how many times he had used Legilimens on the boy in the past, he had practically created his own link into Potter's mind. Today, however, his brief probe was met by a slippery wall that did not let him inside.

Harry had no idea what was going on until Draco pinched him in the arm. Harry stifled the automatic jerk with some difficulty, but he wasn't entirely successful in covering up the grimace of pain, and Dumbledore thought it was as a result of his actions.

"Harry? Are you feeling alright, child?" Albus asked, acting solicitously and caring, pulling out one of his many boxes of sweets. "Would you like a lemon drop?

Harry made a face, but he did step forward and accept one of the hard, round sweets, pretending to plop it into his mouth. What he really did was pop a Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean into his mouth, while allowing the lemon drop to slid into a pocket. He was going to have Severus to examine it later, hopefully ending for once and for all the debate whether the Headmaster laced those things or not.

"Headmaster, what are you going to do about Pansy Parkinson?" Harry insisted, speaking with some difficulty. "This isn't the first time she has attacked me, as you are well aware. Why in blazes are you so set on protecting her! It doesn't make sense!" Harry exploded, waving his arms about.

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