A Second Kidnapping

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It was with a laugh that Harry and Draco tumbled inside their rooms. Bouncing with happiness, Harry went into his bedroom to put his cloak and outer robe away, before calling Dobby to ask him for the promised meal. His eyes were on the clasp holding his cloak together; it had snagged on something and was giving him some trouble, Harry did not look where he was going. Almost bumping into his bed, he stopped just in time to save himself a busted knee, all his focus on what he was doing until the clasp was finally free.

Looking up, the first thing that met his astonished gaze was a beautiful crystal vase filled with the most wonderful deep red roses he'd ever seen, standing on the bedside table on the other side of the bed. Throwing down the cloak carelessly, not caring one bit about wrinkles, Harry flew back out of his room, calling Draco's name.

"Harry?" the Veela asked, coming back out of his bedroom, wondering at the joy and happiness he heard in Harry's voice. "Ooofff," he added involuntarily as a lithe body glommed itself against his in an enthusiastic hug.

"Thank you, Draco! Thank you so much! They are wonderful! Where ever did you get them? They are lovely! I've never seen such beautiful ones before. How did you know they are my favourite? Why didn't you give them to me in person? I wouldn't have turned you away," Harry asked, finally pulling himself away from his… what? Boyfriend?

Draco was feeling extremely confused. On one hand, he was loving every second of Harry's happy hug, but the stream of words pouring from him didn't make one lick of sense. "Love? What are you talking about?" he asked, pushing a lock of hair away from his mate's forehead.

"About the roses," Harry replied in confusion. "They are from you, right?" Seeing the incomprehensible look on the blond's face, Harry felt some of his happiness die away. He should have known. The flowers weren't from Draco. Turning away so the tears of disappointment couldn't be seen, he slowly moved away from the embrace. Of course, the flowers didn't come from Draco. Why should the Veela do something like that?

"I'm sorry, love, but no, the flowers aren't from me," Draco whispered softly, his heart aching at the sorrow and disappointment he could feel come off the smaller teen. That ache soon turned into a blazing fury. Someone had dared to hurt his mate. Worse, someone had dared send his mate flowers. He would find out who that person was, and then he would pay them a little visit at midnight and curse them so bad their great grandchildren would feel it!

Storming into Harry's bedroom, murder in his eyes, Draco saw literarily red when his gaze took in the lovely bouquet of red roses. How dare they! With a roar of anger, the Veela threw himself across the bed and picked up the vase, intending to throw it into the wall. Before he could, the back of his fingers brushed against one of the flowers, and the next thing he knew, he felt the tug behind his navel, and he no longer was at Hogwarts.

Cursing violently, Draco threw the vase the moment the Portkey effect released him. At least it wasn't Harry this time. He didn't think he could survive a second kidnapping of his mate. Taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down, Draco looked around in an attempt to figure out where he was.

The room was tastefully done in shades of blue and cream, but a thin layer of dust and the somewhat musty air spoke of the room's disuse. The main focus was a large bed, its head- and footboard were covered with carvings of cherubs and cupids. Taking a second, more closer look around, Draco suddenly came to the shocking understanding of where he was. With that realisation came a fierce blush.

He was inside a Honeymoon suite.

Someone was going to get hurt for this!

Careful not to touch anything, Draco made his way towards the door. He needed to get out of here, preferably before he was accidentally caught up in the spell works. Before he could open the door, however, it was flung open and two children were gazing expectantly up at him.

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