What exactly is it Voldie wants?

193 4 2

Monday, Sep 2

Lucius watched bemusedly as Draco followed his mate out of the suite. "That is not what I had expected," he said to Severus and found his long time friend staring at the closed door with a pensive look on his face. "Where do you think he went?"

"Probably to vent that temper of his. It has gotten worse since his precious mutt died. It wouldn't surprise me if there were some Demon blood in that boy, or possibly some Dark Elf. He has their temperament."

Lucius turned that bit of information over in his mind and thought back to the flavour of the scent the boy gave off. "I'd say Dark Elf, he doesn't smell right for it to be Demon. He is temperamental, you say?"

"Oh yes." Severus snorted. "He only stayed with his relatives for four days. We had to retrieve him after he almost blew the place up for the third time. That child has no concept of anger management. Draco will have his hands full with that one. The brat spent the rest of the summer under heavy guards and wards and he still almost demolished everything around him several times. In the end, everyone just left him alone."

"No one taught him control?" Lucius asked, aghast. To let power like that go unchecked... it was unheard of.

"No, Dumbledore told us to give him space and to 'let him grieve'." Severus snorted again. "The old fool."

"Tell me they at least researched his background," Lucius all but implored. "That boy is not fully human, I'll state the Malfoy name on that, and unless we know what we are dealing with, we can't help him deal with and develop his gifts."

"No, no research, no nothing. The boy ended up spending most of his time in the Black library reading Merlin knows what," Severus said with an exasperated sigh. He was not happy with the way Dumbledore had refused to deal with Potter. Letting the boy loose in the Black library? That was just asking for trouble. And considering that this was James Potter's spawn...

"Oh dear," Lucius murmured, fighting down an urge to go and hunt the boys down to make sure they were all right. "I have a feeling I will be spending a lot of my time at Hogwarts this year. Do you think the bumbling fool will let me stay here?"

"Offer to teach Defence and he will welcome you with open arms," Severus shot back with a smirk.

"Don't you have a Defence teacher already?"

"Unfortunately. An ex-Auror who is so old she barely remembers her own name," Severus replied with disdain. "That goes doubly for any counters to even the most common hexes and curses."

Looking around the room, the Potions master stepped up to Potter's bedroom with a sigh. "We might as well do something useful while we wait. I will deal with this mess, why don't you do something about the living room?"

Lucius walked up to his friend and took a good look at the extremely red and gold room. He shuddered. "Who in Merlin's name would do something like this? Dumbledore wouldn't have had the time, and he is the only one I can think of with this garish taste."

"He probably sent that deranged elf that used to plague you. What was his name? Dopy?"

"You know, I must thank the boy for freeing that revolting thing. I never understood what Narcissa saw in him," Lucius said with a small laugh. Life at the Manor had become so much easier after that elf had left them. Of course, his wife had never forgiven Potter for the 'theft'. He would have to talk to her to make sure she did not harm the boy in retaliation. Draco would not take kindly to that, and blood was so difficult to get out of carpets, not to mention tapestries.

Pushing the thoughts aside for later, the blond turned back to the living room and looked around. The place was well below Malfoy standards, and he would be only too happy to rectify the situation. Twirling his cane, he surveyed the room, and decided to start with the walls. Orange, how utterly tacky.

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