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Monday, Nov. 4

Harry woke early the next morning feeling happy and content. He found himself curled up against Draco with his head resting above the Veela's heart. For several long moments, Harry just lay there, listening to the other's steady heartbeat, revelling in the feelings that Draco elicited.

Unfortunately, he was too wide awake to be able to go back asleep. And no matter how cosy and comfortable he was, Harry was too restless to lie around in bed any longer. A quick Tempus informed him that it was only a quarter to six, but after a brief pondering he got out of bed nevertheless.

Draco made a small sound of distress as Harry left him, but soon he settled back down and continued to sleep. Harry smiled gently and reached out to softly caress the fine blond hair. If Draco hadn't woken up, then he probably needed the sleep. The Elf had a feeling that his mate hadn't had much of true rest since Harry had fallen victim to that Cruciatus.

And that thought return full force the niggling sensation that he had forgotten to ask the adults something. Not bothering to take the time to shower, Harry cast a strong cleaning charm on himself, before getting dressing in a pair of black trousers and a navy-blue t-shirt that he found hanging in the wardrobe

Stopping only long enough to conjure a yellow rose and a note, leaving both on the nightstand next to the bed, Harry slipped out of the bedroom on silent feet, intent on finding Severus. The Elf had a feeling that the Potions master would be up, despite the early hour. There were quite a few potions they needed to be brewed if they were going to go ahead with their revenge, and Harry knew that Snape was itching to get started. Unfortunately, they would need to buy quite a few ingredients, and Severus had mentioned that he would start with the inventory first thing in the morning.


Walking into the breakfast parlour Harry felt his eyebrows rise at the unexpected sight. Both Severus and Lucius were awake, and they were sitting close together, sharing what looked to be an intimate moment.

Feeling like he was intruding Harry began to back out again, hoping to avoid being detected. However, both men were used to keeping close tabs on their environment, and as one the two of them turned to pin Harry with a look.

"Good morning. I apologise for interrupting you, I shall just go now, okay?" Harry babbled, still backing out of the parlour. Just a few more steps and he would be home free.

"Good morning to you too, young man. Might one ask where my son is?" Lucius asked, his voice filled with good humour.

Harry grinned. "He is still asleep. He looked so cute I didn't have the heart to wake him up."

"Come in and eat something. Merlin knows that you are far too skinny as it is," Severus said, making an impatient gesture for Harry to approach the table.

"I really don't want to interrupt you," Harry hedged, still hesitating to come closer.

"You are not intruding, Harry. Severus and I were merely…"

"Talking. I am sure you have done the same with your friends many times?" Severus cut in, giving Harry a sardonic look.

Harry laughed and finally moved to take a seat opposite to his once feared Potions master. "Sure, I have talked with my friends many times," he said easily. "However, the kind of 'talking' the two of you looked to be doing I've only done with Draco; which was the reason to why I didn't want to intrude. Unfortunately, some don't seem to be able to take a hint," Harry said, sounding exasperated, giving Lucius a saucy wink.

"Impertinent brat!" Severus muttered, demonstratively drinking some of his tea.

Lucius laughed. "We thank you for your discretion, Harry, but the mood has been broken, wouldn't you say so, Dearheart?" Lucius asked, giving Severus a teasing look. Severus did not bother to reply.

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