CHAPTER 158 Shell Cottage

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April 5th, 1998


Harry squinted through the darkness, spotting a cottage nearby under the vast starry sky. Movement outside the cottage caught his eye, and he wondered if it was Shell Cottage.

"Dobby, is this Shell Cottage?" he whispered anxiously, clutching the two wands tightly, prepared for any potential danger. "Have we arrived at the right place?"

But there was no response from the elf.

Panic rising in his chest, Harry searched for Dobby and found him standing nearby. However, his relief turned to horror as he noticed the silver hilt of a knife protruding from the elf's chest.

Stars reflected in Dobby's wide, shimmering eyes as he swayed slightly.

"Dobby — no — HELP!" Harry's voice echoed into the night, pleading for assistance from the people moving near the cottage.

Emma approached Harry with Draco's support, her steps hesitant and eyes filled with sorrow as she saw Dobby's form. Draco stood by her side, his expression mirroring her grief and shock.

"We need to get inside," Draco said quietly, his voice breaking the somber silence that enveloped them. "They can help."

Hermione's voice trembled as she spoke, "It's no use."

Emma and Harry refused to accept defeat.

"We have to help him," Emma insisted, her eyes pleading with Harry to join her in trying to save Dobby.

But Dobby remained motionless, surrounded by a growing pool of darkness seeping from his wounds. His outstretched arms and pleading gaze told a story of desperation and finality.

Harry gently laid Dobby on the grass, his voice choked with emotion, "Dobby, please don't leave us. Don't die."

The elf's fading words carried a profound sadness, "Harry... Emma... my Potters."

With a final shudder, Dobby's once lively eyes turned into lifeless orbs, reflecting only the distant starlight.

Emma's eyes filled with tears as she watched the scene unfold. Harry, overcome with grief, pulled Dobby into a tight embrace, his shoulders shaking with sobs.

The loss of their loyal friend and protector weighed heavily on them, and the night seemed to echo with their shared sorrow.

"Harry? Emma?" A voice called out from behind.

Harry and Emma turned around, their eyes red from tears and their hearts heavy with loss.

Remus and Sirius approached with visible concern etched on their faces. Bill and Fleur followed closely, their expressions mirroring the somber mood of the moment.

"What happened?" Sirius asked, his voice heavy with worry.

Emma took a deep breath, gathering her composure to recount the painful truth. "We were captured," she began again, her voice steadier but still tinged with sorrow.

"Dobby saved us, but he..." Her voice caught in her throat, unable to continue as tears welled up in her eyes.

Remus's eyes widened in shock, a mixture of sadness and admiration crossing his features. "Dobby," he murmured, his voice filled with respect for the brave house-elf.

Bill stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Emma's shoulder. "We're so sorry for your loss," he said, his tone sincere.

Fleur nodded in agreement, her usually cheerful demeanor subdued by the somber mood. "He will be remembered for his bravery," she added softly.

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