CHAPTER 58 Twinkling Stars, Midnight Dates, and O.W.L. Dreams

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As Emma entered the dorm, Pansy and Octavia were immediately on her, practically pouncing with curiosity. They bombarded her with questions, their excitement evident.

Octavia, unable to contain herself, exclaimed, "Spill the beans, Emma! How was your date with Cedric?"

Pansy chimed in, "Yeah, don't keep us in suspense! We need all the juicy details!"

Emma couldn't help but laugh at their enthusiasm. She settled in and began to regale them with the story of her date, recounting the moments, the conversations, and the charming atmosphere. Her friends listened with rapt attention, clearly savoring every detail.

"So, it was a date after all." Emma admits sheepishly.

Pansy rolls her eyes, "Of course it was Emma, sometimes you are as oblivious as your brother."

Emma chuckled, her cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. "I guess I can't argue with that. It was a date, and it was really nice."

Octavia grinned mischievously. "We told you so, Emma. Cedric is clearly interested in you. What's next? The Astronomy Tower?"

Emma nodded, excitement in her eyes. "Yeah, we're meeting there sometime in the week."

Pansy waggled her eyebrows. "Ooh, stargazing? Very romantic, Emma."

The three friends continued chatting, with Pansy and Octavia teasing Emma playfully about her budding romance. Emma was grateful for their support and friendship.

Professor Flitwick's Charms class was always a lively and enchanting experience for the fourth-year students at Hogwarts. On a sunny morning, the Gryffindor and Slytherin fourth years gathered in Classroom 2E, excited for their lesson. The classroom was adorned with fluttering fairies and floating feathers, giving it a whimsical atmosphere.

"Good morning, everyone!" Professor Flitwick greeted them, his voice carrying a tone of cheerful enthusiasm. "Today, we will be delving into the fascinating world of Summoning Charms."

The students exchanged excited glances. Summoning Charms were always a crowd favorite, and the prospect of mastering them was met with eager anticipation.

Flitwick began by demonstrating the correct wand movement, his tiny frame barely visible above his desk. "The key to a successful Summoning Charm is a clear intent and a focused mind. Accio!"

A feather floated gracefully off his desk and into the palm of his hand. The students watched with fascination, eager to try it themselves.

Flitwick then assigned the students to practice in pairs, which elicited an assortment of excited whispers and collaborative plans. Emma found herself partnered with Draco, much to her amusement.

As they stood facing each other, wands at the ready, Draco couldn't resist a playful remark. "Now, Emma, I hope you don't accidentally summon a herd of hippogriffs. We wouldn't want any accidents."

Emma rolled her eyes, her own wand aimed at a small pebble on the floor. "Very funny, Draco. Accio!"

The pebble lifted from the ground and hovered in the air, drawing a satisfied grin from Emma. Draco, however, was not to be outdone. He cast his own Summoning Charm, and a book on a nearby shelf flew into his hand.

The class continued with students practicing Summoning Charms on a variety of objects. Laughter and gasps of astonishment filled the air as feathers, quills, and even a rogue shoe were summoned and retrieved.

With a wicked glint in her eye, Astoria sent the pebble soaring across the room. It whizzed through the air and, to Emma's surprise, smacked her right on the back of her head. Emma winced in mild pain, turning to see Astoria grinning mischievously.

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