CHAPTER 119 Love is in the Air

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Amid the enchanting ambiance of the Hogwarts castle, Draco and Emma found themselves strolling through the courtyard, hand in hand.

Draco, with a mischievous glint in his eye, drew Emma closer and whispered in her ear, "You know, Emma, I must say, being in love with you is ruining my bad-boy image. I'm becoming far too charming and soft-spoken."

Emma chuckled softly, her heart warmed by his words. She leaned in, her voice teasing, "Oh, Draco, it's a hard life, isn't it? Having to be all sweet and romantic."

He grinned, his silver-blond hair gleaming in the moonlight. "Indeed, it's a daily struggle. But I do it all for you, princess. After all, I wouldn't want you to be swept off your feet by some other charming wizard."

Emma rolled her eyes playfully, her fingers tracing patterns on Draco's chest. "Well, you're doing a good job of keeping me charmed. But just remember, I fell for you when you were still a Slytherin heartthrob."

Draco's expression softened as he gazed into Emma's eyes, the banter giving way to genuine affection. "And I fell for you when you saw past all of that."

However, their idyllic moment took an unexpected turn when they spotted Hermione and Ginny ganging up on Harry in the distance.

Intrigued, Draco and Emma exchanged a curious glance before deciding to approach the scene and see what mischief their friends were brewing.

"Let's see it then!" Hermione, a determined glint in her eyes, demanded Harry to hand over the book.

Harry, with a defensive stance, replied, "The binding is fragile."

"The binding is FRAGILE?" Hermione repeated, enraged.

"Hermione. I can't just—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Ginny, displaying unexpected agility, swiftly grabbed the book from Harry's hands.

With a triumphant grin, she examined the cover.

"The Half-Blood Prince?" Ginny read aloud, her curiosity piqued. "Who is the Half-Blood Prince?"

Harry, feeling the weight of Hermione and Ginny's questioning gazes, admitted with a shrug, "I have no idea. Give it back, Ginny."

He extended his hand, expecting the return of the mysterious book.

Ginny, clearly agitated, exclaimed, "No, Harry, you can't just blindly follow what a book says."

Harry responded, "Come on, this is hardly Tom Riddle's diary. I'm just following what it says."

Hermione, always cautious, added, "You should hand it in. We don't know anything about this 'Half-Blood Prince.' It could be dangerous."

As the discussion unfolded, Emma, who had just joined them, inquired, "What's happening?"

Harry quickly explained, "Hermione and Ginny are trying to convince me to hand in this book. It's not harming anyone; it's just helping me with potions."

"Can I see?" Emma asked Ginny who easily handed her the potions book.

Emma examined the book with curiosity, noticing the inscription 'Property of the Half-Blood Prince.'

She raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's so special about it?"

Harry explained, "It has alterations to the recipes. It makes them easier."

Hermione chimed in, her tone stern, "Which is exactly why it's dangerous."

Exasperated, Harry reached out and grabbed the book back from Emma's hands. "I'm not handing it in," he said defiantly.

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