Lonely Street - SKZ 🥀

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Before I start I want to apologize that I am not updating this book as much as I should. But I really don't have that many ideas for one-shots, which is why I am currently rewatching all kind of SKZ videos. Just like Vlive's... which I miss a lot... and music videos.

The members finds themselves at a lonely street... seperated from each other...


> Author POV <

Loneliness... a quiet emptiness that seems to exist even in the midst of the crowd. It is like a silent cry for connection, echoing unheeded through the hectic streets of life. Loneliness manifests itself as an invisible barrier that separates the individual from the world around them. It shows itself in the eyes of those standing alone in a crowd, in the quiet moments between the words that fade away unspoken. It is a feeling of alienation, a painful awareness of one's own isolation that covers the heart like a veil. Loneliness speaks a silent language that only those who experience it can understand. It is an invisible prison of the soul that searches for comfort and security but often finds no answers.

Felix often felt this feeling. He felt lonely even in his childhood. He had a mother who paid little to no attention to him and only immersed herself in her work. A big sister who was too busy with her fiancé and planning her future starting a family but forgot about her first family. A younger sister who was ice cold and only focused on her career. No father... he left them when Felix was four... he just ran away... Felix didn't think of it as loneliness at first. After all, he still had his friends. But they also became fewer over the years.
First Mark... he had to move to Los Angeles because his father got a job offer. Never heard from him since... Then Lucie... she started a modeling career in Paris... never heard from her since... and then Jacob... he left Felix just before Felix went to Seoul. He committed suicide...

After that, Felix couldn't stand being in Sydney any longer. He had to get out of the city... out of loneliness... start a new life... in a new country. And that's how he ended up at JYPE. It was more of a stopgap solution for him. Felix just wanted to make friends quickly and not be lonely anymore. What could be better than joining a music group that has to live together in a dorm? Of course Felix didn't mention that as his reason for applying, but that was his true intention. That's why he didn't make Chan wait long to answer whether he wanted to join his group. Chan was of course overjoyed to have a fellow Aussie in his group, while Felix was just happy not to have to be alone.

The poor boy was even more broken when he was eliminated... it was already terrible for him to lose Minho. Minho was his dance partner... his Korean teacher... a role model. But he still had the others, but when he was eliminated... who did he have left? It broke Felix in many ways. He felt lonely again... His room was no longer filled with loud laughter... his cell phone was dead quiet... his days were getting longer and so were the nights... his eyes were heavier and his body was more sluggish. But he not only felt loneliness, but also guilt... He felt guilty that he had let the others down. For the first time in his life, Felix was responsible for his own loneliness and that was even worse than if others abandoned him.

He was even happier when JYP brought him and Minho back and they were able to debut as a team. Did this finally mean the end of his loneliness? No, things got worse after that. Chan threw himself even more into his work with Jisung and Changbin... they only wanted to give Stay the best music. Seungmin just sat at vocal training... he just wanted to show Stay his best. Jeongin practiced hard on his singing and dancing... he just wanted to show Stay his best. Minho and Hyunjin were dancing 24/7... they only wanted to show Stay the best choreos. And Felix? He tried to keep up. He had his Korean lessons... he wanted to show Stay his progress... he often trained with Minho and Hyunjin... he wanted to show Stay that he deserved to stay with the boys... he practiced his singing ... he didn't want to just be the deep voice of the group for Stay.

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