Fate - Jilix🥀

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Felix is ​​seriously ill and hasn't told anyone about it. Not even his boyfriend Han Jisung.


Felix lies in his bed in pain, staring at the ceiling as he tries to ignore the pain throughout his body. Every limb in his body aches and his migraines are getting worse by the minute. He can hardly see anymore because the pain completely obscures his vision. With his left hand he feels at his bedside table for his painkillers, which his doctor prescribed for him especially for such cases. However, he tries to move his head as little as possible because even the slightest movement immediately starts to hurt and it becomes even more unbearable for the boy. He can reach for the pills with his fingertips and tries to reach them while moving his whole body.

After a lot of effort and swallowing a lot of pain, he finally has it in his hand. He takes a closer look at the pill box and sighs. 'Only use in extreme emergencies and then only a maximum of two in one day', Felix remembers the words of his doctor, who was not very happy that Felix had not told anyone about his fatal diagnosis. The doctor said it would be better if someone took care of Felix. But Felix insisted that the doctor stick to his duty of confidentiality and not tell anyone a word about it.

Felix can still clearly remember the day he coughed up blood for the first time. At first he thought he had an inflammation in his throat, but when he went to the doctor and, after listing Felix's symptoms, the doctor had a test done, and it was confirmed that Felix was suffering from lung cancer and wouldn't survive it for long. Felix was already in the final stages and that wasn't a good sign. Felix was of course completely shocked at first and couldn't believe what the doctor had just told him, but then he realized that he didn't have much longer.
Felix immediately thought about his family and friends and his fans, how they would react. They would all just worry and lock Felix up and forbid him from doing what he loves most... dancing.

The doctor also told him that it was best to enjoy his last days with his family and friends and not do too much physical exertion, but that wasn't an option for Felix. Stray Kids was on the verge of a comeback. Felix wanted to at least make it to the music video shoot so that the last memory of him wasn't months ago but was still fresh. He also didn't want to risk putting his members under even more stress. Because if he now informed his entertainment that he would soon... well... no longer be there, they would have removed him from the comeback and his members would have to delete his lines in the songs and re-record them.

Felix didn't want to do that to his members and he didn't want to worry his friends either. They were only supposed to see Felix at his best, but it was getting harder and harder. The chest pain became unbearable. Felix was just coughing and the headache that followed was just unbearable. Felix suffered a lot and the longer he tried to stick to his schedule, the more sluggish he became. He would prefer to just sleep and not move for a long time, but that wasn't an option.
Felix remained optimistic, so he opened the pill box and took one. It's just midday and Felix is ​​the only one who has the whole day off, which doesn't feel fair to the others and if he were healthy he would go to the studio and practice the dance, but Felix can't today. He needs a lot of sleep and just hopes that tomorrow will be better.

He puts the pills away again before one of his members comes home and finds them. Then he lies back in bed comfortably and waits for the pill to take effect. After half an hour the pain finally disappears and he closes his eyes while a contented sigh leaves his mouth.
After two hours, Felix is ​​woken up by loud laughter, but he keeps his eyes closed because he is still very tired and exhausted. But he listens to the people who have just entered the dorm.
"Hyung, sometimes you're a bit off track," laughs Huynjin, who Felix recognizes immediately.
"Yah, it's not my fault if they think I should choose a pose. I really thought it looked good," Minho says. “But they didn’t mean that you should do a cute pose,” Hyunjin continues to laugh and you could really hear how frustrated Minho was.

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