Be my Juliet - Chanlix🥀

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Tragedies are only known from books and movies, but for Felix it was his destiny...


Felix was in love.

This was nothing unusual for the boy. Felix quickly fell in love with someone.
Be it because of their good looks like it was with Hyunjin, or their muscles like it was with Changbin, or their talent like it was with Jisung, or their beautiful singing voice like it was with Seungmin, or their cold demeanor like it was with  Minho, or their wonderful smile like it was with Jeongin. Felix was always immediately in love. It's almost as if the boy couldn't live without love.
The others had no objection. They enjoyed the attention they got from their prince. Felix always baked them brownies and gave them a kiss on the cheek. That was normal for the boys. That's why they knew very quickly that something was wrong when Felix suddenly stopped running towards them, didn't have any more brownies for them and barely paid them any attention. It was almost as if Felix's head was somewhere else entirely.

At first the boys didn't think anything of it, but then Felix's strange behavior continued for days and she just had to confront him about it.
"Yah Felix, what's wrong with you?" Minho simply blurts out as they all sit in the high school cafeteria. “Way to go Hyung,” Hyunjin rolls his eyes and Minho just shrugs. “Lixie, what’s wrong?” Jisung asks a little more gently this time and takes Felix’s hand in his. Felix sighs loudly.
“You know the Bahng family?” Felix begins and the others all nod.
“They’re your father’s rivals, aren’t they?” Jeongin asks thoughtfully and Felix just nods with a loud sigh.
“Didn’t they plan to build your father’s empire for a measly 50 million dollars?” Hyunjin continues to ask as he recounts the story that Felix told them months ago and Felix nods again.

"Yes... well... what would you say if I... theoretically, of course, had something with the eldest son?" Felix asks quietly and the others can hardly understand it, but Seungmin understood everything exactly .
“Well, if you theoretically had something with Bang Chan, the eldest son, then you would be buried in the ground by now,” says Seungmin dryly, but Felix knows what the boy means.
"Felix don't tell me you had something with that Chan guy?" Jisung asks worriedly. He knows how Felix's father would react to this news. The Bahng's never had a problem with the Lee's, but Felix's father hates the Bahng's too deeply and would like to drive them into the ground, but unfortunately they have a little more money and power than Mr. Lee.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know who he was until it was too late," Felix admits openly and now the boys finally understand Felix's strange behavior. Felix fell in love with a boy too quickly again and this time it seems to have hit him hard. " Oh man Lixie... what's going to happen to you now?" Hyunjin asks dramatically. Felix knew it was supposed to be a joke, but Felix took the question a little too seriously.
'What's going to happen to me?'
If his father finds out what he has done, then he will be disinherited and even if the Bahng's have nothing against the Lee's, they would not approve of their eldest son and descendant of the Bahng empire having something with one of the Lee's.

Felix is ​​desperate and doesn't know what to do. He tried to talk to his friends, but they all just advise him to stay away from Chan, but Felix can't do that. He really loves Chan and this time it's not one of his first sights of love, but true love. Felix has never felt like this before.
But his love just wasn't right... for some others.
"LEE YONGBOK FELIX!" his father suddenly shouted for him as he entered his house through the front gate. Felix knew what was coming and this time he couldn't run away. So Felix went to his father's office and immediately saw his father's red face and that disappointed his mother.
"I can't believe it. I can't believe my own son would betray me like that," his father shouted across the room as he paced angrily. His mother just stood there and gave her husband his space.

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