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I never believed in guardian angels. Not once. Ever since birth, I have had the most difficult life I have ever known.

My mom died giving birth to me, my father abandoned me, I was born downtown New Orleans, I worked a shack job, I had a one night stand with an upsetting man, my brother is dead because of me; reasons unknown, Ihan turned his back on me, I'm pregnant and I have nowhere to go.

Walking past the old couple sitting near the hospital's garden, my legs start to ache and I find a spot to sit immediately. Sighing, I put my hands on my stomach, drawing circles with my fingers, I cannot help but chuckle.

“I get to be your mom.” My smile diminishes. “Too bad your dad's a bitch.”

“Hi um..” Startled by the voice oddly close to me, I frown at the stranger. His eyes watch me with a splash of sparkle. As if hopeful.
His hopeful looks turns to excitement, he moves closer to me and I keep frowning. “Nyx.” His tone was sure, oddly confident for a stranger.

I furrow my brows as I take him in. His eyes had a splash of mint green in his brown ones and his dark hair was a bit frizzy from the wind. My eyes widen in disbelief, shock and excitement. We both exchange knowing looks.

I stand up from the bench, walking towards him and reaching out my arms. “Oh my Gosh, Alex?”

He nods, too excited to speak and then welcomes my embrace. He pulls away and walks with me to the bench, sitting down.

“Damn girl. It's been so long. You just forgot about me like that?”

“Pssh..” I wave it off with my hand. “I didn't. You're the one who stopped sending letters and changed your number.”

Alex Ramona; yes. We were buddy buddies during high school. It started off as a joke because we shared the same surname and the kids would always think we were siblings, even teachers thought so too. We were nothing alike..he was a bit well off and shy, I was poor and not that shy. It only finally registered in Junior year and everyone understood that we weren't siblings. We started talking and we were inseparable.

Until his parents got a new job in the city and he had to transfer schools which meant, go along with his parents. They had no plans of returning. Every week, we'd write three to four letters to each other, receiving them in the mail.

“Yes.” He admits. His body turns towards me, his legs touching mine. “You left downtown already?”

I roll my eyes. “Nah..”

“Something's off.” Alex; I forgot, had always been a smart wolf. Catching the whiff of my sadness, he grabs my hands and gently squeezes. “What is it?”

I shook my head, unable to speak because I wasn't certain if he would walk away from me like Ihan did.

“You can talk to me” He reassures me as he inches closer to me. Seeing how stuck I was, not budging to say anything, he sighs and smiles.

“I may find the courage to tell you later but first…I have nowhere to go. Is there something you can do to help me?”

“Sure.” This time, I grab his hands and smile with my eyes. “Anything I can help with, let me know.”

“I actually do need…” My face slowly lifts in laughter and Alex joins me. “I need a lot of things.”

“Well then miss Ramona, I am at your service.” And with Alex, it was like the rainbows shine over my life again. I could start over.

Alex took me to the boutique, got me some clothes, he helped me push that RESET button I most definitely needed when he helped me move into his grandfather's home; the doctor who attended to me. 

His wife had died about eight years ago and he was now living alone. Alex comes to visit a day or two each week. And when I could no longer hide the truth, I told Alex about everything.

And Alex; a sweetheart, didn't judge me and welcomed me.

And then nine months came in a whisp.

I was a psychological mess in the labour room.

The beeping monitors, the panicking nurses, the sweat running down my face and back, the breaths I held to push, the pain between my legs and Doctor Ramona who sat in front of me, his hands shoved in the open space between my legs.

I keep hearing the nurses urging me to push better, to relax my body and just find a way to ease the tension as I push.

Pain unimaginable, I breathe in, releasing my walls, holding onto the baby and pushing.

“Keep going Nyx..” Grandfather says with a soothing manner. “You're doing great.”

I throw my head back, the sweat suspends for a while and I want to yell all of my lungs out as I push out my vagina.

Grandfather slowly removes his hand beneath the covering that covers the gap between my legs. With my head tossed back, I release a series of puffs of breaths.

Hearing scrawny cries, I lift my head up. I watch as Grandfather gently sways the bloody perfection in his arms, walking towards me, he lowers his arms and I watch my baby open his small mouth to wail.

“It is a girl.” Grandfather says softly watching the baby. 

The smile on my face widens but as I lift my arms in an attempt to carry my baby girl, it drops to my side involuntarily.

“You need to rest.” Grandfather says and walks to a nurse. He places my baby in her arms and I watch her walk out of the room.

“Where's she going?” I ask weakly, my eyes trailing her.

“To give the baby a bath and return her to you.” He says smiling at me. “Congratulations Nyx.”

My eyes start to close with my ears hearing faint sounds of footsteps as I eventually loosen myself to sleep comfortably.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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