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With a shaky breath, I step back and watch as the man walk into the room, shutting the door behind him.

“Why are you here?” He asks coldly.

My eyes meet his chestnut ones with panic. “Why are you here?” He looks around the room, I'm sure taking a scorn at my things scattered across the bed. “Who are you?” I push on.

“Dom.” He answers, stepping closer to me. His fingertips play with the strands of my wet hair. “Dom Saville.”

I raise my eyes to meet his own. His once cold eyes were no longer cold but rather a look of curiosity.

“You're a werewolf, yes?” I nod silently. “No doubt a local.”

My brows raise in disbelief. He has no etiquette at all. With a scoff, I turn around proceeding to the bed.

I shake my head, hurt.

Not because he called me a local. I don't think there's anything wrong with being a local. But because, I felt stupid to think that the luxury week of a thing was actually going to go well.

I start to reach for my clothes and fold them when I hear his authoritative but concerned voice.

“What are you doing?”

Refusing to answer, I continue to shove my clothes into my bag.

“I asked what -”

“I heard you the first time!” Even I was taken aback by my response. I look at the handsome stranger standing feets away from me, seeing his smirk makes me more irritated. “Can you leave?. I'd love to change into actual clothes so I can leave.”

He steps slowly towards me, smirking his head off. His eyes meets mine, staring intently. “You're not Monica.” He says.

“Exactly.” An annoyed sigh leaves my lips.

His fingertips catches the ends of my hair again, I look at his face. I notice, this time there's no smirk. Just calmness. “You're better.”

For a moment, I breathe in. I get to relax and actually take his features in. His black hair compliments his clothing. His eyebrows are a bit full and his eyes are dragging to the ends, making him look like a male seductress. His chesnut eyes reminded me of the warm feeling of the sun out in the yard downtown. His nose and his jawline were sculpted to intimate perfection. And his lips, from the looks of it, were soft and would probably taste of bubblegum.

I pull my eyes up to look up at him, only to find his eyes scanning my facial features too and meeting my eyes again.

“Something about you feels so…”

“Safe.” I complete abruptly.

Letting go of the strands of my hair, I understand that he agrees with me. He moves away from me not so much.

“I am sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean to.”

I nod, hoping there's a continuation of his words.

“I just thought you were Monica.”

“Monica…” I taste her name off my tongue. I conclude that I don't like it.

“Yeah..” he chuckles lightly and sits on the bed. “She was supposed to be here. Not you.”

“Your girlfriend?”


Our gazes meets and ridiculous laughter from us both follows. I sit on the bed also, my body now facing him.

“Okay, tell me the tea.”

He rolls his eyes. “She's uh…a leech?” I gasp, pretending to be amazed by what he just said. Normally, I'm one for girl power and supporting women but this time, I just feel drawn to this…Dom Saville stranger.  “She tags along with me wherever I go.”

“And you're not exactly her biggest fan.”

“True. I don't hate her -”

“But….” I pray on.

“I don't exactly love her and what's most annoying?. I cannot get rid of her.”

“And you want to get rid of her, why?”

“I would just be better off alone.”

“No one is better off alone. Trust me.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“Because I know what it's like. And trust me…” I scoff. “You most certainly do not want to know.”

After an awkward silence, Dom smiles warmly at me. “What is your name?”

“Nyx. Nyx Ramona.”

“Miss Ramona…” I love the sound of my name from his lips. “You're welcome to stay here as long as you want.”

“For a week.” I correct him immediately. “I am to stay here for a week.”

I could tell he wanted to say something. His breathing becomes out of sync as his eyes narrow on me. “Very well then.”

He stands up from the bed. His stern figure captivating my very sight. I watch him look around the room as he walks towards the door and I follow him.

“You're leaving?”

His smirk lightens his face. “Are you suggesting a man you just met spend the night with you?”


“What about Monica?.”

His jaw twitches. “What about her?”

“What if she comes here?. Do you not think she will?”

“I will handle that. Rather do enjoy yourself Miss Ramona.”

He opens the door, walking out into the corridor. He stops and I groan inwardly. I've been in this towel for half an hour. It's very uncomfortable.

“Would it be okay if I stop by tomorrow?”

My initial thoughts were dangerous. Like why would he want to stop by here tomorrow?. Does he want something?.

And with every thought, I realise I know nothing about this man exceohis name. He could be of help someday.

So with courage, I smile warmly. “If you want.”

“When do normally have breakfast?”

I don't have breakfast.

“Um…seven thirty?”

He nods. “I apologize for interrupting your evening Miss Ramona. Do have a good night.”


I close the door immediately, refusing to watch him walk away. Does this mean we're having breakfast tomorrow together?

I rush to my bag, shuffling my feet as I make my way to the bag. Squabbling, I reach my wallet and at the sight of my card, I breathe.

A sigh of relief really.

My ringtone breaks my train of thoughts and my hands reach out for my phone. A familiar name flashes on the screen, bringing a smile to my face.

I swipe right, pulling the phone to my ear. “Hey Jackson.”

And after three sentences said from the other end of the phone, my smile diminished greatly. I blink my eyes and droplets of tears fall to my laps. I didn't even realise.

“How did it happen?.”