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I could feel the big smile on my face as my eyes flutter open. Slowly but surely, my brain starts to awaken also.

Last night after Dom asked me out and I said yes, I could not sleep for what seemed like hours. Time after time, it was too hard to believe that I was dating a city dweller. It was like in one night, my whole life changed.

There were many opportunities in the city and I was thinking how brilliant it would be for me to adapt quickly to it. I would work a while and get a home in my name. My brother will move in and so will Ihan, considering my brother really can't go anywhere without him.

As these thoughts would swell me, I would look at Dom who slept soundly, his chest rising and falling very slowly. I watched him. His dark hair was messy after taking a shower and his brooding chest sirened me.

I let a small chuckle escape my lips as I shut my eyes and open them again ready to see Dom. No doubt he's still asleep cause I've been tossing and turning. So I flip my head on the bed and the big smile on my face immediately dissolves.

My brows react as they scrunch up and down. “Dom…” I call softly as I sit up on the bed. My eyes slowly roams the room and I notice his belongings gone.

My hand swiftly covers my jaw dropping expression. “No” My brows react again but this time, with tears rolling out of my eyes.

My heart bangs against my chest, a needling pain aching my very core as the realisation hit me. It was a one night stand and I fell for it.

If it really was, then why did he tell me that he was in love with me? My brain contradicts and I cannot help but feel like a fool. My legs tightens as they drag up to my chest, my arms wraps me, comforting me and trying not to make me feel like dirt.

But, it didn't help. Because I'm this moment, everything in this room reminded me of him. And although I was bawling my eyes out now, my entire existence felt like dirt.

Bile rises within me and I sprout from the bed, stumbling on my way to the bathroom. Finally making it, I push past the heavy door and my head goes close to the toilet as I empty my stomach.

Flushing, I take no time to get the shower running. Grabbing the sponge and the soap, scrubbing myself as I keep crying, sniffing and coughing. I scrub myself as hard as I can to get the feeling of dirt off me but I cannot. The feeling was here and it is here to stay.

“That'll be three hundred and fifty dollars ma'am.”

I open my wallet and shamefully count two hundred and fifty dollars. The driver watches me with keen eyes as I hand the money to him.

I step out of the taxi with my bag in my hands. After feeling extremely bitter this morning, I shoved my clothes in my bag, had thirteen thousand dollars given to me by the Hotel for “inconvenience” and I took a taxi back to the border.

The deja vu feeling hit me. At this border about three days ago, I was really excited about going to the city. And now, it was a sickening feeling that enveloped me. Tonight, as I walked past the border and into the community, there's an odd calm.

Normally, seeing home, it would be a sense of relief. After working hours at the STRAIGHTEN, coming home would be a breath of fresh air. But now, my brother would pick up a nasty smell the moment I walk through the door.

The smell of another male on me. And then in that moment, I would die. Not literally but, yes. Every girl with an older brother would understand what I mean.

With the sight of my home getting nearer in view, I braced myself mentally for my brother's judgement. And as I got closer and closer to my home, the flashing lights of red and blue coloured the walls.

No clue whatsoever of what was happening, I watched as some men rolled out -from the entrance of the house- a body on a stretcher. It takes quite a moment for me to get a whiff of the scent.

My brother.

“Kaleb!” I scream at the top of my lungs, dropping my bags and running towards his unconscious body. As I neared the stroller, I was pushed away by one of the men.

I groan and panic watching another man cover up his body with a black clothing. “That's my brother!”

“We're sorry miss.” The blonde man stands in front of me, his tall intimidating body obstructing me from sighting my brother.

“Please…” My voice softens, my brows scrunch up with sympathy. “Please, he's my brother. Let me see him.”


“Let me see him!!”

With a defeated sigh, the blonde man steps aside. But while he does, the banging sounds of guns eerie the surrounding and before my eyes, I watch as the once intimidating blonde man expresses a look of shock on his face. His hands slowly touch his chest, my eyes follow and widen as a rush of blood spills from him. Another loud bang and his body stiffens before falling to the floor lifeless.

I look as life slips away from the blonde man and with teary eyes, I look towards the assumed originating area where the sound is from. These men, each of them holding guns, rushes forward.

On instinct, I push past the man who once covered my brother's body and raise the cover which once hid my brother's face.

His body, pale, not freezing cold but not warm either. His forehead, with two bullet wounds along with his chest. I cannot control the pain and tears outflowing my heart as I rest my head on his, bawling my eyes out.

“Kaleb…” I mutter, hoping he would hear me. “Kaleb please..”

In a split second, another hand wraps my wrist and pulls me away from Kaleb's corpse.

“Ihan no!” I pulled back, wanting to be with my brother even if it meant I'd die right now. But Ihan put his hand over my mouth as he dragged me away. The deafening sounds of multiple gunshots and screams tears me apart.

I manage to widen my lips, narrowing down with my teeth, I bite Ihan and his hand pulls away from my mouth immediately.

“Kaleb…” My trembling voice doesn't allow me to pronounce his name well.

“Is dead.” Ihan says. I lower my head, uncontrollable tears running down my eyes, dainting my mascara. “Look, we're gonna be dead too if we don't run.”

Weakness seeps through me, all my weight rests on Ihan. “I wanna die with him.”

“Nyx!” Ihan drags me up with a groan. “He would want you very much alive. Please.”

“Ihan, he's…”

Ihan takes me in his arms, with his hug he means to comfort me but I feel nothing. “I know Nyx.” From the sound of his voice, he is beyond heartbroken also. “But we need to go. Those guys, whoever they are…they will kill us without a blink.” Ihan pulls away but cups my messy face. He raises it up for my eyes to meet his and he speaks sternly. “We need to go.”

With a nod, I wipe my tears away as we run forward. The border comes in close view once again. This time, as Ihan and I cross the border, there's a pain beyond our imagination we are both feeling.

A pain that nothing can cure, except revenge.