17: CHAPTER 17

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I had such a fun time at Disneyland.

I said bye to Brooklyn but then Walker got out of the car.

" We need to talk, it's important" he said I nodded and walked into my house.

I walked him up the stairs and we walked into my room.

I took off my jacket and grabbed my phone and went to Instagram.

I had a text from someone.

It was a imagine i thought it was one of the pictures we took at Disneyland but it wasn't i looked at the picture closer and saw Walker.

It was someone else with him it was a girl it wasn't me or Brooklyn it was ana.

And it wasn't just any picture it was kissing picture.

Now i wouldn't just believe it because it probably was fake or forced but i realized he had his had on her neck and HE WAS KISSING BACK.

I sighed and looked at the invisible camera.

Ive had never been in this much drama before.

He was sitting on my bed waiting for me.

I tapped the photo and put it directly in his face.

" Cmon now, we've been down this road so many times, i so fucking tired, when was this " i asked stepping back.

" Look, i can explain. That was a couple days ago " he said standing up.

" I could understand it by a girl that you like BUT HER, walker be serious " i said crossing my arms.

" She kissed me and had her friend take the photo, And the only reason i had my hand on her neck is because we were to close to where I could push her away by her chest " he explained.

" Plus why are you mad it isn't like me and you are dating " he said i let my hands fall.

Before i could say anything i slapped the spit out of his mouth.

" I don't care, you are trying to pursue me and kissing my ex best friend is not doing it for you what so ever. Get out of my house call an Uber." I said walking to my door and opening it.

" What? " He asked holding his face

" Did i stutter i said grab your shit and get out, you ruin it for yourself Ever. fucking. Time. Bye i think its time for you to go" i said.

He walked out of my room.

He looked at me.

" Bye go leave, if we aren't together Why are you here,  go back to the bitch you kissed. " I said grabbing him and taking him to the front door.

" Cmon, it was a mistake please y/n " he said.

" I honestly couldn't care less, I was going to ignore the picture because it was forced and it sounded like something she would do, but when those last few words came out of your mouth that's what fucked it up for you. I don't do situationships or friends with benefits it's either we are together or not, now get the hell out " i said i took a deep breath trying to calm down.

He walked out and before he could say anything i slammed the door. He started banging on the door.

I opened it " what do you want " i said

" I Just wanna talk " he said

I huffed

" We aren't together remember, you take me to Disneyland for no reason,you don't like me? " I said leaning onto the door frame.

" I never said I didn't " he said stepping closer"

" But you never said you did, this isn't a guessing game if you want me PERSUE ME, thats all im a girl who just wants to be loved and not used " i told him.

" Im sorry, it was really not my fault. She was makyup lies to make me talk to get me to talk to her. Can we just talk " he said rubbing his arm it was pretty cold out there.

I let him in and we sat on the couch.

We talked about our feelings and everything with each other about our favorite things out favorite color and tv shows. And we just got to know each other better.

Before he left the house we did something that we never thought we'd do.


I was absolutely starstruck the whole night.

I was going to tell Brooklyn in the morning because I knew he was going to tell arayn and lea. As soon as he got home.

I was super excited to see what the future holds for me and his relationship.

And hopefully there wouldn't be too much drama ( FORSHADOWNING ).

We both just texted all night till he got home and went to sleep.

I can believe we actually made it official.

(Sorry I haven't updated y'all this book is going to be a big impact on my life and I'm glad that I'm taking the little people that I have on the journey with me please star and make sure when I update this book you come back and read I love you all so so much and my arm is healing well I will see you guys next week make sure to go read my new precy Jackson book bye you guys ❤️❤️💋💋💋💋💋)

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