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We sat in her car sitting in silence I didn't want to say anything cuz I knew I was in the wrong so I just sat there quietly waiting for her to tell me off.

" What's going on with you " I finally said pushing my back against the door and putting my left leg over my right leg.

She rolled her eyes and slowly looked over at me" nothing at all it just seems like you're stuck on one person and you don't have time to remember any important things but that one person " she said turning off her car and grabbing her phone off the dashboard.

" Do you think I haven't noticed " i said grabbing her hand with her phone in it and putting it down on her lap.

" What are you talking about? " She asked

" Im not going to sit here a play with you " i said popping my neck

" Calm down pencil neck, What are you on about " she said popping her neck with and
ugly face trying to mock me

I laughed almost hitting my head against the window I grabbed her hand and started laughing hysterically.

2 seconds later when I stop laughing she still have her neck popped and looking at me weird.

" Don't start, I know you have something going on with Aryan" I said letting out the last little giggle I had.

Windows last few words left my mouth her face turned very red and she looked at me with a very confused look on her face.

" You think I have something going on with him?. Who gave you that idea? " She asked checking her notification on her phone then laying it down on the dashboard again.

" You guys do everything together and when I forgot your birthday you went to go hang out with him instead of inviting me" I said actually kind of hurt that she didn't invite me to her birthday party.

" First off if you remembered my birthday you would have been invited but you didn't second off just because I'm hanging out with the boy doesn't mean I have to date them. " She said I close my mouth twisted my mouth to the right and hit my cheek with my pointer finger.

" You don't even hang out with boys you hang out with all girls let's not lie if you hang out with a boy you like them I know you enough to know that " I said licking my lips.

" Well I can't just have a friend like you just jump to conclusions too quickly " she said smiling and looking out the window like she was a main character or something.

" It's really giving you don't get the real me then like girl if you like them you like them it's no problem just don't hide it from somebody you know is going to find out really really quick " I said looking at her tooting my head with a really big smirk on my face.

" We aren't dating " she said as soon as those words came out of her mouth she got a text she didn't even look at it so I grabbed her phone as quickly as possible off the dashboard and opened it.

She quickly tried to grab it for me but I turned away from her and saw it was a text from The One and only arayn.

They were just talking back and forth and that's when I realized they were actually dating.

I gently said her phone down by the gear shift after turning around my mouth was to the floor and she was looking at me with a slight smile on her face.

" Pick your jaw off the floor is going to get dirty " she said putting her Palm on my jaw and pushing it up but it just fell back down

" You can't hide anything from me,can you?

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