16: CHAPTER 16

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We had another day in Disney world but we had so much fun the day before and I honestly love spending time with him.

But he told me he had a surprise waiting for me at the front of Disney world.

" Can you give me a hint " I asked putting my hands together and shaking him in front of him.

" All I have to say is you're going to really love it " we got out of the Uber in front of Disneyland and I saw about 30 people waiting in line but luckily we have to fast pass

That's when he grabbed my hand and runs to a little area and we see two people standing there with their back facing us.

There were a lot of people there but my eyes were only focused on the people that had their back towards us.

He took me over there and I was actually really scared because there were so many people around even though I've been in Disneyland with over thousands of people and I never felt this scared.( Dramatic much )

They turned around with a Mickey mouse popsicle and each hand and raise their arms.

When I saw the whole cast there including Brooklyn it was like just magical.

They were also excited to see each other and I was excited to see everyone else cuz I've never met some of them.

We eventually went into Disney world and it wasn't as packed because today was going to be a rainy day but luckily it didn't rain while we were there.

We got on all the fun rides and we all just had a magical time.

After we got off this really big ride we decided to go stop and get something to eat and of course anytime we try to do something it backfires.

" I think we should get some dessert after we eat I'm feeling something sweet " Walker says running to the place we're going to eat.

We all laughed at how fast he ran because they were only three people in line.

It was only one person left in front of us while we were waiting to order for about seven people.

When the girl turned around me Brooklyn arayn and Walker gasped silently and looked at each other. ( Breathe in )

" I think you guys might be in love with me or something " ana said rolling her eyes and grabbing her tray and sitting at the table with her back facing us.

Brooklyn scratched behind her ear and coughed trying to stifle a laugh.

" I don't see anything funny " ana said with an attitude.

We all just ordered our food and set four tables away from her so we wouldn't have to deal with her we didn't feel like dealing with drama.

It was like she will reappear out of thin air and how does she even get here wasn't she arrested.

We started eating and we had the best conversations about our favorite TV shows and our favorite colors and we will all just starting to get to know each other.

That's when all hell broke loose.

It's like every time we meet this girl it's something going on I look over to her and she's searching for something then she slides her wallet all the way to the fourth table that we're sitting at and it landed right next to my seat.

So I took out my phone and started recording.

Just in case because nobody else was looking and I didn't want to get framed.

I stopped looking at her and let my phone sit on my lap while it was recording.

That's when she got up and walked over to me and saw her sitting next to my chair.

" You stole my wallet " she yelled in about 15 people that walked past and looked at her weird.

" I haven't even got up how would I have stole your wallet " I asked you really curious to see what she had came up with.

" You must have pickpocketed me after I have paid " she said I was really getting tired of the drama so I decided to speak up.

" I'm not stupid I saw you take your wallet out of your pocket and slide it over to our table " her face went into a surprised then angry face and less than 2 seconds.

" Are you calling me a liar" she asked leaning and putting her hand on her hip with a confused face.

" Precisely, plus didn't you break into my house and steal stuff out of my house and got locked up? " I asked sticking my bottom lip out acting like I feel bad for her.

She grabbed her wallet and opened it.

" You did steal some money I had over $150 in it where is my money. " She said stepping closer to me.

" You took it out before you slid it over here just in case somebody picked it up, plus you just paid for food and a lot of it which was around $80 " I said drinking some of my lemonade.

She looked embarrassed and we end up all getting up and walking away from the situation before I can escalate.

I was so sick and tired of the drama just from this one person like how did she get out of jail in less than a day.

We went to the ice cream parlor to get some ice cream my ice cream was so good and we end up all taking pictures of our ice cream.

The cast was so nice and respectful and some very decent people and I feel like we all had a genuine connection.

We roll one last ride before leaving back to my hometown but this was just the beginning for all the new coming in my life.

( Y'all I don't have any more ideas for this book so please please please give me some suggestions in the comments and the new Percy Jackson book will be coming out soon the first person to read star and comment on the book will be included in my book so make sure you stay updated and follow me on one pad and Instagram I love you all thank you all so much for the support and I will see you guys next time on Thursday. )

Insta: brklyn_spam

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