15: CHAPTER 15

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It was the next day and I was feeling so much better than I did before I wasn't as scared but I was a little bit awkward when I woke up but I woke up I did my morning routine and I said back down on my bed I looked at the time and it was 8:30.

I went over to my closet and grabbed everything I looked at my list on my phone that I had made last night making sure I had everything I made sure I have my keys to my house and everything else.( Keep that in mind)

I caught an Uber to the airport and that's when I saw walkers and then one of the waiting areas with his mask on.

I went over there and I sat down and he didn't look up so I coughed really loud and he looked up and pulled his mask all the way up to his bottom lashes.

" Ma'am I think you should get a mask, that cough is really loud" he said all serious I giggled and turned my head to look at him.

" I was just you my God I was about to move that was scary" he said holding his chest he was just on his phone scrolling through Instagram and our plane was about to get called any minute so we made sure to stay ready.

10 to 15 minutes later they called our plane and we have to hurry up and get on because we had gotten too comfortable.

" This is going to be a long flight "he said putting his luggage into the top shelf and taking his bag and put it under his seat.

We sat down and the plane took off about 25 to 30 minutes later.

" So do how was your sleep " he asked putting his phone on airplane mode since he forgot.

" My sleep was good I just had a lot on my mind before I went to sleep so it made my sleep a little bit heavier than usual but it was a good night sleep, what about you" I said try not to be like a dry texter.

" Had to sleep on the floor because I was at somebody else's house my back hurts so much but luckily I get to sit down  "  he said taking his mask off but as soon as he did that he heard a man cough so loud.

He put his mask right back on and crossed his arms over.

" Do you have another mask that was scary " he shook his head.

"Nah, I just grabbed this one from the front desk" he said opening his window.

We sat there and talk for a good long while and we had a lot of things to talk about like how his life was out of acting and how was not acting how his friends were.

He was talking about the second season and how he so ready to see what's going on and how he went to St Louis and how it was so fun looking at the arch. ( St.louis mentioned 🤓 )( I think that was a green screen )

We had so many things to talk about and we both fell asleep after like 2 hours of talking.

We finally landed and I didn't get woken up till about 10 or 15 passengers got off the plane.

I woke up Walker and grabbed our luggages and mine's was pretty heavy.

I got the rest of our stuff off and we walked off of the plane and into the airport.

It was still in the morning and we were going to be at Disneyland for about 6 or 7 hours so we decided to hurry up and get to the hotel so we can change and go to Disneyland.

When we got to the hotel it was super nice it was a four-star hotel it had a pool room service it was just a really pretty hotel overall.

When we got to our room we changed into our clothes very very quickly because we don't want to waste any time and we knew since it was summertime it was going to be kind of packed but some kids did have summer school so it wouldn't be as packed as I thought it was.

We got an Uber to Disneyland and walked up to the front gate

" I can't wait I've never been to Disneyland" I said ready to meet all the Disney characters.

" I haven't either even though my mom has asked me several times do I want to go it's never really been my jazz till I saw so many tik toks about it lol, it seems really fun" he said handing the lady our season passes since we down here for about 2 to 3 days and the cool thing about our season passes is they don't expire while we're not there.

" What rides should we try first " I said looking around.

Me and Walker walked around to look for some rides and we just got on to one of the biggest rides we saw which was one of the biggest rides in the park I thought it was going to and be fun but once I got on to it I saw how high the drop was.

" Don't scream too loud I don't want to lose my eardrums"the girl in the rollback said looking directly at me and then smiling at Walker.

" I hope you shit yourself on this ride, how about that have a nice day" I said then that's when I heard the intercom come on initiating the countdown it was 10 seconds so I had a little bit to prepare.

As soon it hit one we shot off and when I tell you this girl was screaming like she was in church like she just caught the holy Spirit.

She was screaming so loud in fact that everybody on the ride was looking at her.

I was screaming too but not as loud as she was when the ride stop it smelled really really bad.

The employees help everyone off and she said she didn't want to get up they told her she had to and when she got up there was shit running up her back.

I didn't want to laugh cuz I kind of feel bad for her but I told her I hope she shits herself.

We got down from the ride and walked to go get something to eat because up there smelled so foul.

We stayed there for about 4 hours and got all mostly every ride it was so fun that I even forgot about the incident that had happened before.

( Yeah this was really easy for me to write because I just found out that I can write with both my hands pretty easily this only took me about an hour and 30 minutes but I really like the cast it's just a regular white cast with all my friends names written on it but thank you all for all the support and I told you guys that I was going to get a chapter out and I did so make sure you follow me on my Instagram and comment some suggestions and since my arm is broke I'm going to have to delay the book that I'm writing right now to about April 5th because I have about 2 to 3 more chapters to write so I don't have to keep making my hand hurt. I love you all so so so so so so so much thank you again for all the support and we will be back next week on Tuesday 🤓😭😭💋💋💋💋💋)

Insta : brklyn_spam

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